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Subject: Re: How Biden destroyed U Date: Sat Jun 22 2024 08:23 am
From: Ron L. To: IB Joe

-=> IB Joe wrote to Aaron Thomas <=-

 IJ> Joe Biden is Trump's best campaign ad.  I know that it's horrific to
 IJ> see young girls get raped and murdered, and young mothers as well.
 IJ> Some people need this harsh reality of the Democrat policies.

I've said that before:  Trump ripped the mask off and pulled the curtain back.
The people who were truely ignorant (as opposed to the Ignorant Elitists who
ignore any facts that don't go along with their false Narrative) got a good look
at what was actually happening.

You can't put the genie back in the bottle.

 IJ> Be grateful and pray for those who are suffering under Joe Biden's
 IJ> policies.

Always.  And remember what the Biden Regime has done when it's time to vote.

... A husband is a lover who pushed his luck too far.
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