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Subject: Testinging timED/2 1.3x Date: Mon Jul 16 2018 08:24 am
From: Roman Litvinenko To: Martin Foster

Hello Martin!

Replying to a message of Martin Foster to Roman Litvinenko:

 RL>> How did you register FE/2? I wonder if there is still a legit way to
 RL>> do this, at FE site author stated that registration is free upon
 RL>> request, but I guess that author's email is dead, or he stopped
 RL>> checking it.
 MF> I got my free FE/2 key in March this year by sending an email to
 MF> tobi(at)softeq(dot)de but I also had to send him a completed   registration
 MF> form. I received my free key the following day. Perhaps   he's on holiday
 MF> at the moment?
That's the same email I used, I only missed the registration form, I just asked
 him if registration is still possible and how to do it. It's been awhile since
 the readmes were written, I thought something might have been changed :)

Thank's for the info. I'll fill up the form and try again. Did you use the same
 old one that's in the FE install dir?

Best regards,

--- FleetStreet 1.27.1
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In Reply To: Testinging timED/2 1.3x (Martin Foster)
Replies: Testinging timED/2 1.3x (Martin Foster)