Section One BBS

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Subject: OpenXP Date: Sat Apr 18 2020 09:13 am
From: August Abolins To: ALAN

Hello Alan!

** 17.04.20 - 15:38, ALAN wrote to ALL:

 A>I have been looking at both BEEMail and OPenxp.
 A>Would anyone be kind enough to help me figure it out?

I looked at Beemail very briefly.  It needs additional support with binkp  
for transport over internet.  But before I committed time to patch that
together, Beemail decided to lockup at random times when just navigating
around the program. That was on an WinXP system.  The prog showed real   promise
considering that it supported a variety of echomail-culture  
features.  But then, the dated look of the program, icons, etc.. started  
to bother me.  I would have preferred a more scalable gui interface as  
well.  Retro is fine to visit in many ways, but I couldn't "live" Beemail.

Although OXP's interface is console-based, it has turned out to be my prog  
of choice over WinPoint and Apoint when I had previously decided that I  
would *not* go the console UI route.  OXP's performance, features, on- 
going development support, etc, convinced me to settle with OXP.

See which charts my comparisons
between the different programs I tried.  Bottom line, OXP had the shortest
CONS, and the longest PROS.

 A>I am at a novice level. Someone set up one for me in the 90's from
 A>Yellowknife NWT.

At least two people lurking in POINTS echo are here to help you  
specifically with OXP.

For OXP, hop over to my little 90% complete project:

...for links to oxp files.  Under "Get OpenXP.." look for "Quick-Start  
guide" and grab the pdf.  The pdf walks you through the core setup step by
step.  Once completed, and once you have mail flowing, additional  
adjustments can come as required.

I have been using OXP for about a year now. I received a lot of help from   this
echo. I can pay-it-forward with offers to help in return where  

 A>$400.00/mth phone bills took that out.
 A>I would like a BBS but I think I should just stay a point.

I don't think I ever had a monthly bill that high, but that kind of $
represents commitment! <g>  What kind of system/point were you operating  
at that time?

I also considered a full BBS setup, but I wanted to get started with  
echomail quickly first and not be burdened with the policy requirements of  
a nodelisted system. Besides, some internet connectivity limitations  
restrict me from operating a BBS anyway.

Are you located in NWT?

Another thing worth trying is the webpoint solution produced at  
velenosbbs.  It's like a portable point system account that you can access
from anywhere with a browser *without* all the fuss and bother of actually
setting up your own softare of any kind.  I still have sample screenshots  
of what it looks like here:


--- OpenXP 5.0.43
 * Origin: ------------Do Fold, Spindle or Mutilate.------------ (2:221/1.58)

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