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Subject: Re: Democrats get screwed by leaders. Date: Wed Jul 24 2024 01:19 pm
From: Denn To: poindexter FORTRAN

>   Re: Re: Democrats get screwed by leaders.
>   By: Denn to poindexter FORTRAN on Wed Jul 24 2024 10:03 am

> Had he remained in office and deemed mentally incompetent by medical
> professionals, I would support him stepping down. I'd rather not deal in
> hypotheticals, however, since President Biden hasn't been deemed incompetent
> and he stepped down willingly.
> ---
>  ¿ Synchronet ¿ .:  ::  scientia potentia est  :.

We can all see how mentally impaired he is.
Let's have a couple of non partisan Doctors check him out.

 ■ Synchronet ■ the Outwest BBS - or

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In Reply To: Re: Democrats get screwed by leaders. (poindexter FORTRAN)
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