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Subject: The Collectors Newsletter No. 1015 September 18 2015 Date: Fri Sep 18 2015 04:51 pm
From: Janis Kracht To: All

Remember that you can check out our Facebook page for some interesting updates. 
 Here's the link: If you have photos of
items you would like to share you can post them there as well. You don't need a 
Facebook account to visit our page.  If you do have a facebook account please
"Like" us!

Also, everyday, we post a "This Date In History" story on our Facebook page,
along with an item for sale on that relates to the event.
We're also highlighting one item each day that we find particularly interesting 
- something that's very unusual!  Check it out!

Thanks to those of you who have responded in the past! We really enjoy, and
appreciate, the feedback!

It's always fun to see what other people own and treasure! Although we can't
put the pictures in this newsletter, please visit our Facebook page to view the 
images and learn about those items.

Please let us know if you'd like us to highlight one of your favorite
One of our readers needs help finding information about a plate she has.  Can
anyone help?

"Hi there, I was wondering if you could tell me anything about this plate?  It
belonged to my grandmother, and I know nothing about it.  Any help would be so
appreciated..  I've attached pictures to the email.

Kindest Regards,

It's a beauty, and one of our readers found that it may be related to the
Masons, and write:
"This item may be very valuable to that Chapter of the Masons as I know a lot
of the Mason's collect antique Masonic items."

You can view images of the piece, as well as any comments, here:

Another of our readers has a tool that he needs help identifying:

What type of sharpening is this used for...........



Images and comments here:

A customer sent in these pictures of a tool and wonders if anyone know what it
was used for.  Apparently it fits in the palm of your hand.  Any ideas?

Hi I was wondering if you could help me identify this tool. I have no idea what 
it is or what its used for.  I have been trying to research it for over 2 years 
and im stumped.  Its very heavy.  Even the engineers i know are stumped as

Thanks Alexie

Images and comments here:

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