Section One BBS

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Subject: MUFFIN Echo Rules Date: Sun Dec 01 2019 03:05 am
From: Moderator To: All

The Fidonet MUFFIN Echo Rules
Updated 27 January 2019

Moderator   : Sean Dennis (1:18/200)

MUFFIN is for the support and discussion of the Maximus BBS software in all
versions.  Discussion concerning third-party software utilities for Maximus
is allowed if the software doesn't have its own echo.  Squish discussion
is allowed though it is recommened to take that to the TUB echo.

This echo is meant for sysops running Maximus BBS software.

By your participation in this echo, you agree to the following rules:

* Real names are required to be used in this echo.  No aliases.  If
  your BBS software will not allow you to toggle between real name and
  alias in the message header, sign your message with your real name.

* All messages must be in English.  You may post a message in your native
  language as long as an English translation accompanies the native
  post in the same message.  I recommend using Google Translate
  ( if you are not a native English speaker.

* No blatently off-topic posts such as BBS ads, "test" messages,
  et cetera.

* Any traffic concerning Fidonet matters, such as alleged "echo
  hijackings", complaints about other echoes and their moderators,
  or any traffic construed as such by the moderators is OFF-TOPIC.
  Absolutely none of that is allowed in this echo and violators will
  be dealt with swiftly.  Please take such discussion to netmail or
  another appropriate echo.

* Be civil and have a sense of humor.  BBSing is a very personal hobby
  where people may run their system differently than yours.  Unless their
  system is harming yours, just agree to disagree if the discussion gets
  heated which leads to this: please no flaming!  I understand disagreements
  and misunderstandings but if you decide you want to get personal, please
  take it elsewhere.

* Please don't gate this echo to USENET, a mailing list, another BBS
  mail network, an online Fidonet mail archive, or anything else
  without the moderator's express and written permission.  This is
  a Fidonet echo and needs to stay in Fidonet.

* This echo does not recognize any local or regional echomail policies
  such as EP1.  This echo originates in Zone 1 and follows Zone 1 policies
  concerning the "echolist".

* The moderator has the final say in dealing with problems in the echo.
  If you have something to say about a moderator's action, please
  contact them via netmail (preferred) or email.  Discussion of moderator
  actions in the echo is strictly off-topic.

* This is a living document and will be adjusted as needed.

* This document will be posted on the 1st and 15th of each month and
  when needed.

* Please don't hesitate to contact the moderators with any questions.

Thank you for your participation in MUFFIN!

-- Sean Dennis
   MUFFIN Moderator

--- SendMsg/2

--- Squish/386 v1.11
 * Origin: Outpost BBS * Limestone, TN, USA (1:18/200)

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