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Subject: Re: Netfossil in Windows 10 Date: Sun Feb 19 2017 02:21 pm
From: m00p To: Smooth

On 02/18/17, Smooth said the following...
 Sm> Having major issues trying to get this netfossil thing to work. I'm using
 Sm> Microsoft Windows 10 32bit.  Everytime I try to execute a door with
 Sm> netfossil it kills my NTVDM.EXE.  Had to resort to connecting with
 Sm> DoorParty. Would love to have more local doors working but netfossil is
 Sm> giving me a headache in setting up.  I've googled as much as I can and have
 Sm> run each solution that everyone has given so far and no go. Ugggh.
 Sm> :(

Hey man, to be honest, i gave up on this. My options where to buy an old Pentium
and run my BBS from that machine, or simply run my BBS in a Virtual Machine. 

I decided to not do any of that, and simply connect to DooryParty and BBS

Sorry for not helping more, but man, choose your fights :P

--- Mystic BBS v1.12 A31 (Windows)
 * Origin: SLiME CiTY BBS (44:46/0)

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