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Subject: I'm being slammed by thes Date: Fri Dec 18 2020 07:47 am
From: Barry Martin To: Daryl Stout

Hi Daryl!

 BM> Yup: can tell winter is here when I tap everything metal before
 DS>   I've been zapped too many times. The folks in the broadcast
 DS> media (TV and Radio) have to ground themselves before grabbing
 DS> the audio or video tape, or the static will wipe that sucker
 DS> clean!!

Oops!  Yeah -- and that's probably happened at the home level too.
Simon and Garfunkle, The Sound of Silence, literally.  ...Though if 
static might be more Neil Diamond's Crackling Rosie!

                         »    BarryMartin3@    «
                         »   @MyMetronet.NET   «

... As shocking as it may be National Static Electricity Day is January 9.
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