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Subject: GMail Accounts Date: Tue Dec 15 2020 07:36 pm
From: Barry Martin To: Mike Powell

Hi Mike!

 > Probably old news by now but GMail is down: messages sent get bounced
 > back from the Mail Daemon with the statement no such account.  Had read
 > earlier this morning of various Google services not working Sunday.
 MP> Yeah, apparently anything requiring a log on was down at some
 MP> point over the past couple of days.  Some in other networks are speculating
 MP> that there may be some Chinese exploit involved.

I hadn't heard anything about any sort of hacking causing Google to have
problems but did read where some U.S. government sites had been hacked 
for over nine months and something like 'SolarWinds' monitoring software
didn't catch it.  Not blaming SolarWinds totally as have to be somewhat
aware something is going on to create something to catch/stop it.

                         »    BarryMartin3@    «
                         »   @MyMetronet.NET   «

... Crime in multi-story car parks; just wrong on so many different levels.
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Replies: GMail Accounts (Mike Powell)