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Subject: Another Day In The ER Date: Sat Nov 07 2020 10:05 am
From: Barry Martin To: Daryl Stout

Hi Daryl!

 DS>   Seen on the hypochondriac's tombstone: "I told you I was
 DS> sick!!". <G>
 BM> Dare I do the husband's response?  "You just had to get the last word!"
 DS>   That's about the size of it.

I'm not intending to be racist/mocking/etc. with the next comment but 
Indians (from India) tend to do a form of last word.  Have had quite a 
bit of experience at the store calling Tech Support when a computer or 
printer failed.  I usually got assigned because I was the semi-techy 
nerd so knew the terminology, plus could understand/'translate' the 
accent.  Anyway, finish up the call, say my thank-you to which they 
invariably reply a thank you but in a way my brain is triggered to 
respond with another thank you, to which they reply a trigger-thank 

 DS>   Until they show you the bill. :P
 BM> That causes another medical episode!
 DS>   Never mind Fred Sanford..."It's the big one, Mabel!!" <G>

'Elizabeth', but yes.  ...Being on Medicare now I've noticed the front 
desk staff or whoever goes over charges before submitting to the 
government does prep with "this is generally covered, this is generally 
not and so you'll probably be billed <amount>".  At least it doens't 
come as a total shock when get the statement, plus gives time to 
scrounge up money to pay.

 BM> Could get into public transportation which generally is rather horrible
 BM> in most parts of the country.
 DS>   Sounds like the bus system around here. :P Little Rock doesn't
 DS> have a light rail system like St. Louis, Miami, Dallas, or
 DS> Nashville. We have a "river rail trolley system" that basically
 DS> serves the downtown areas of Little Rock and North Little Rock,
 DS> but I think it has been shut down since COVID-19 took hold.

Amtrack's nearest station is Galesburg, IL, about an hour's drive south
of here.  They've been talking of creating/recreating a spur (?) to 
Moline or maybe it's Rock Island -- either one is across the Mississippi
River from me and would take about ten or fifteen minutes from the 

As far as local bus transportion, the good points include there are easy
connections between the two states and five cities, so that in itself is
quite an accomplishment!  Bad news is I think the individual routes run 
only once an hour, so getting anywhere by bus doens't seem all that  convenient.
To me seems like small vans running more often would make 
more sense.  

 BM> Mine's about 2/3rds of what the Medicare deduction from Social Security is.
 DS>   I may check with the local Blue Cross deal to see how much it
 DS> might be per month.

Wouldn't hurt.  Put together a quick list of medical expenses you paid 
outside of Medicare and compare to the monthly fee of the supplement 
(less that initial deductible).  For me it makes financial sense; dental
insurance I break even over the years; vision insurance would have cost 
me more than paying out of pocket.  (Part/most of vision is now under 
Medicare I guess.)

 DS>   Yeah, but $3 or likely much more for one Viagra pill??
 BM> That price is rather stiff!
 DS>   Talk about giving your wallet a hard time. :P
 BM> Wallet?? Kinky!
 DS>   Never mind checking to see if the folds and the Velcro are
 DS> right (this will teach me to answer mail at 2am!!). :P

Velcro?!  OUCH!!!

 DS>   I don't know what the pH was the last time I was doing the prep
 DS> work, but the way my throat and esophagus was burning, it had to
 DS> be high.
 BM> So alkaline??!
 DS>   It was nasty. It reminds me of what the late Red Skelton noted
 DS> in a routine. "I had oysters on the half shell twice in one meal.
 DS> Once going down..." -- then he paused, made this horrified look
 DS> on his face, and everyone knew what he meant. :P

Sometimes not saying the punch line has a better reaction! :)

 BM> I vaguely remember "TCBY"!  Maybe had it once - I'm just not a Mall
 BM> Eater: don't do shopping and snacking, or at least on my own.  If
 BM> shopping with someone and they want a snack I'll probably get a coffee
 BM> or a small nibble, but that's rare.
 DS>   The entity who owned one of the malls in town just filed for
 DS> bankruptcy. COVID-19 caused many of the stores to not pay their
 DS> rent, or to shut down and leave.

The various malls here are doing from 'reasonably well considering' to
'iffy'.  Will just ramble on the Iowa-side ones.   The largest one now generally
looks like a ghost town -- from the outside anyway, though has
had problems for years as its anchor stores generally are having
problems: Sears closed, JC Penney is tettering, Younkers closed -- all 
well before COVID-19.  Von Maur and Dillards are doing well.

The two smaller malls don't have the big anchor stores, though do have 
some sort of mid-sized anchor as draw.  The 'mall replacement' is strip 
malls, though some are pretty big.  For whatever reason the strip malls 
are doing well.  Maybe just the new thing: shopping went from Downtown 
to The Mall and now to strip malls.

 DS>   That's it!! Or as Archie Bunker noted, "Bless the meat. Damn
 DS> the skin. Open your kisser, and cram it in". :P
 BM> Might have to use that one at Thanksgiving!
 DS>   That was for the meatheads out there. :P


 BM> Yeah: I'm knocked out for the procedure.  As you implied, the day
 BM> before pretty much nothing is going to get done.
 DS>   On the contrary, quite a bit will get done...although you'll
 DS> have a crappy outlook for the day. :P
 BM> "So wha'cha been doing all day?"  "Oh, just a lot of running around!"
 DS>   There are two calls in square called "Scoot
 DS> Back", and "Run". With either one, you're in what's called an
 DS> "Ocean Wave" formation. One dancer is facing into the formation,
 DS> and the other is facing out. On "Scoot Back", the dancers facing
 DS> in, go in, do an "arm turn" (basically a trade) and go back out.
 DS> The dancer that was facing out basically flips to the right,
 DS> taking the place of the dancer that just went in. You end up back
 DS> in an ocean wave formation, but you've basically traded places.
 DS> With the call "Run", the designated dancer moves forward, and
 DS> runs around the other dancer, to face the same direction they
 DS> are. This usually forms a two faced couple is looking
 DS> into the formation, and the other in the line is looking out.
 DS>   Anyway, one smart-aleck caller kept doing "Scoot Back", and
 DS> "Boy Run Around The Girl". Then, he said "I think we've got the
 DS> scoots and the runs". <G> Another caller got the squares into a
 DS> formation of the letter L, and he said (intentionally)..."Crap,
 DS> the whole floor looks like L"!! <G>

Clever word play!  

 BM> Most intestinal E. Coli is of the good variety, but I do agree
 BM> squishing cow poop between my toes does not make my Fun Things To Do
 BM> List.
 DS>   And, you thought your feet smelled back already!!

I was waiting for them to smell forward!

 BM> ... My love for you is like diarrhea: I can't hold it in.
 DS>   Maybe the relationship should get the bad parts pruned?? Darn
 DS> IBS woke me, so I had to throw the cat out of the sandbox. Once
 DS> that was done, I decided to check the BBS mail before going back
 DS> to bed, in case the colon decided to throw a fit again.

It has a poopy attitude!

 DS>   I saw a cartoon, with a cat at work at a desk. The IN Box is
 DS> full of mice...the OUT box is full of kitty litter. :P

And in-between was the Working On It box.

                         »    BarryMartin3@    «
                         »   @MyMetronet.NET   «

... A conscience is what hurts when all your other parts feel good.
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