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Subject: I'm being slammed by thes Date: Fri Nov 13 2020 08:55 am
From: Barry Martin To: Daryl Stout

Hi Datyl!

 DS>   Or the tagline: Postal Worker: DO NOT BEND is NOT a challenge!! :P
 BM> Rip! Tear! Wrinkle!  And sort of speaking of post stuff, the mail here
 BM> didn't get delivered until a few minutes after 9 p.m.
 DS>   Your tax dollars at work (sigh!). And, they wonder why people
 DS> are going to Email, FedEx, UPS, DHL, etc.
Well the 'tax dollars are work' is wrong:

  Is the post office funded by the federal government?
  U.S. Mail is protected by more than 200 federal laws enforced by the
  Postal Inspection Service, one of the nation's oldest law enforcement
  agencies. ... The Postal Service receives NO tax dollars for operating
  expenses and relies on the sale of postage, products and services to
  fund its operations.

So their on par with the other delivery options as far as funding is  concerned.
As for the delivery time, not sure when the usual end day 
time is for any of them -- does extend during the holidays and if I'm  expecting
a delivery will casually track it so if it's dark out leave 
the front porch light on and if snowing try to keep a path open.  Plus I
don't want my package out all night in the cold, rain/snow, etc.   Plus 
of course the possibility of porch pirates.

Speaking of porch pirates, noted when I was checking on a UPS delivery 
the option to have all/some deliveries to a designated site, local one 
is to a car repair shop below the hill.  Suppose if they have spare
repair stall may as well lease it out!

 DS>   Sounds like the staging lights at a drag race.
 BM> Ha-ha! Sort of!  No peel-outs though.  Definitely would not be a good
 BM> idea to try to 'extend' the yellow by driving though it.
 DS>   I think the total length of the yellow light is either 3 or 4
 DS> seconds. It reminds me of a joke, where one kept hearing the
 DS> revving of the engine, then the squealing of tires/brakes,
 DS> repeatedly. It was a blond who had encountered a traffic signal
 DS> that was flashing yellow. :P


 DS>   That's the way it's supposed to work...but I've seen some where
 DS> the drivers zip right on through, as if the signal isn't there.

We had a bunch of traffic cameras in the area years ago, then removed 
because of legal action.  In general I was in favour of the 'red light  cameras'
as there are two intersection I used to travel through when I 
was working where some idiots were always running the red.  The light 
timing was fine (not short), just some driver thinking he/she is better 
than everyone else and doesn't need to stop.

On the other side of the coin I could see problems where the owner of 
the car was getting ticketed but they weren't the driver.  Father buys 
car for daughter, daughter runs light, father gets ticket based on registration.
Here daughter would not be driving my car any longer plus
paying fine.  Seems similar could be done with rentals and company cars.

 BM> Yes: assume the person walking will keep walking or suddenly dart out
 BM> in from of the car.  I look under parked cars for shadows: small kid or
 BM> animal might be between.
 DS>   Sort of like "Hit Me. I Need The Money". :P

Well adults might do that, I don't think kids nor animals.  

 DS>   That's like people "ice fishing". They forget that ice freezes
 DS> from the top down, and not the bottom up. Too many folks have
 DS> lost their lives in the frigid waters.
 BM> Yup.  Every winter the news remonds people not to skate or walk across
 BM> ponds, creeks, the Mississippi: may look solid but isn't.
 DS>   And, even with warning signs, folks think it doesn't apply to
 DS> them.

"I don't weigh much!"

                         »    BarryMartin3@    «
                         »   @MyMetronet.NET   «

... You're just jealous because the voices only talk to me.
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