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Subject: Another Day In The ER Date: Fri Nov 13 2020 08:55 am
From: Barry Martin To: Daryl Stout

Hi Daryl!

 DS>   I can never remember that name. :P Or you get something stating
 DS> "This Is Not A Bill...but we're not paying for it". :P
 BM> Wonder what would happen if called it a 'William'?!
 DS>   Tell me if my arrow hit the bullseye. <G>

How come all the vendors are selling apples?

 BM> (So are the square dancers single or they all dancing in a single
 BM> square or...  When's the coffee kicking in?!)  Yes, going someplace to
 BM> enjoy something different would be nice.  The poor transportation industry!
 BM> Used to be able to squish us together to get a little extra revenue, now
 BM> either have to keep us apart or figure some sort of
 BM> barrier to isolate.
 DS>   You have both married and single square dancers. Some of the
 DS> couples who met as singles, ended up getting married. But,
 DS> unfortunately, I've heard of some dancers running off with
 DS> another dancer's spouse. My late wife was right when she said
 DS> "You can't be stolen (in a relationship) if you don't want to be
 DS> stolen". Some of the singles have lost their previous spouses
 DS> either due to divorce or death.

Right.  IMO one should be true to their significant other (we'll use a 
generic term to cover marriage, engagements, serious dating, etc.).  
There is nothing wrong with a light and quick comparison: "she's nice 
looking, but I like your looks better".  And sometimes relationships do 
wane.  I'm not a big fan of "staying together for the sake of <fill-in>"
but also don't think a dead relationship should be kept together.

 DS>   Unless you're in the northeast corridor, or in places with
 DS> frequent commuter service, you're out of luck.
 BM> Pretty much.
 DS>   I'd be afraid to go out on streets where I don't know the area.
 DS> There are thugs looking for vulnerable individuals.

Though also quite possible to be mugged in one's own neighbourhood.  
Stay alert -- quite frankly the listening headphone/ear buds blocking 
out external sounds is a little dangerous IMO.  I don't carry all my 
credit cards in my wallet: wallet gets stolen, I've got others at home.

 DS> ultrasound has to wait, though. My car is in the shop, as the
 DS> power steering pump was failing, and if I can't steer the car,
 DS> it's worthless. It apparently is back ordered, and I felt I had
 DS> better leave it at the shop, rather than to drive it back and
 DS> forth...wasting gas, and risk it locking up. Thank The Lord I
 DS> have plenty of food and drink here at the house...and for now,
 DS> mail at the Post Office Box can wait.
Oh no! I have a bit of a joke about Friday the 13th and Thursday the 
12th which is probably when you took your car in.  As far as driving 
with a bad power-anything pump. probably not a good idea and yes I'd 
leave it in the shop.

 DS> Dillard's is based in Little Rock.
 BM> I didn't know where Dillard's was based; Von Maur is from next door in
 BM> Davenport (IA) -- expanded from a single store in downtown originally
 BM> know as Petersen Harned von Maur.
 DS>   So many of the Mom and Pop stores are being forced out of
 DS> business by either the big brick and mortar stores, or by Amazon.

And the various levels of COVID-19 restrictions aren't helping the
various-sized brick-and-mortar stores any, and helped the on-line 
options.  Any brick-and-mortar probably would have had to quickly expand
or create a pick-up or delivery option to keep in business.  Here in 
Iowa there is or at least was some sort of provision for liquor to be 
sold with carry-out (and maybe also delivered) meals.  Technically it 
was violating the Open Container Law as wasn't sufficiently sealed but 
that was worked out.

 DS> "Ma'am...if you just [pooted] while looking at it, you're going
 DS> to [crap] when I tell you the price!!". I guess I'm shopping at
 DS> Dollar General!! <BG>
 BM> Yup!
 DS>   After all, I am a frugal cheapskate. :P

My 'Scottish Guy' appreciates him!  I go to Dollar General mainly for 
cards; to me doesn't make sense to spend $5 for a printed hunk of thick 
paper which will be looked at for maybe fifteen seconds.  Used to go 
to Party City when their card prices were super-low.  Yes, a better 
selection, or at least back then; seems they were trimming back on the
card section.

 BM> Just because they're the latest and greatest.  Everyone moved from Downtown
 BM> to the Mall where all the stores were clustered together and
 BM> one could do their shopping in one place.  ...Oops: lug the purchases along
 BM> with you as the car's parke don the other end!
 DS>   But, around Christmas time, you have to watch for thugs who
 DS> will rob you of your stuff.

Actually pretty much anytime, just moreso during the holidays because of
more shopping traffic and easier to blend in.  "Oh look Mable! There's 
some guy over there struggling to get into his car!"  

 DS>   There was a video on YouTube (I didn't look it), where Archie
 DS> reflected on Edith's death. I don't know if that was the
 DS> character or for Jean Stapleton. I think most all the cast from
 DS> that show are dead and gone now.

I'm thinking most of the cast have died -- show's older that I'd think. 
Not sure if it's on currently -- meaning syndicated OTA.  Right now to 
much other stuff to watch and do but I was a fan.

 DS>   And, the cat is playing with it, like they do with the roll of
 DS> toilet paper. :P

Which were expensive toys for a while!

                         »    BarryMartin3@    «
                         »   @MyMetronet.NET   «

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