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Subject: Re: Another Day In The ER Date: Thu Nov 12 2020 06:45 pm
From: Daryl Stout To: Barry Martin


 DS>   I can never remember that name. :P Or you get something stating
 DS> "This Is Not A Bill...but we're not paying for it". :P

 BM> Wonder what would happen if called it a 'William'?!

  Tell me if my arrow hit the bullseye. <G>

 BM> (So are the square dancers single or they all dancing in a single
 BM> square or...  When's the coffee kicking in?!)  Yes, going someplace to
 BM> enjoy something different would be nice.  The poor transportation industry!
 BM> Used to be able to squish us together to get a little extra revenue, now
 BM> either have to keep us apart or figure some sort of
 BM> barrier to isolate.

  You have both married and single square dancers. Some of the couples
who met as singles, ended up getting married. But, unfortunately, I've
heard of some dancers running off with another dancer's spouse. My late
wife was right when she said "You can't be stolen (in a relationship)
if you don't want to be stolen". Some of the singles have lost their
previous spouses either due to divorce or death.

 DS>   Unless you're in the northeast corridor, or in places with
 DS> frequent commuter service, you're out of luck.

 BM> Pretty much.

  I'd be afraid to go out on streets where I don't know the area. There
are thugs looking for vulnerable individuals.

 DS> the clippers.

 BM> And last thing we want to see is your talons poking out!  As for the
 BM> ultrasound, probably a good idea as it's been a while and seems to not
 BM> be getting better.  As one gets older one tends to heal slower, but
 BM> this seems a little too slow.

  Not to mention the talons tear holes in the socks. :P The ultrasound has
to wait, though. My car is in the shop, as the power steering pump was
failing, and if I can't steer the car, it's worthless. It apparently is
back ordered, and I felt I had better leave it at the shop, rather than
to drive it back and forth...wasting gas, and risk it locking up. Thank
The Lord I have plenty of food and drink here at the house...and for now,
mail at the Post Office Box can wait.

 DS> Dillard's is based in Little Rock.

 BM> I didn't know where Dillard's was based; Von Maur is from next door in
 BM> Davenport (IA) -- expanded from a single store in downtown originally
 BM> know as Petersen Harned von Maur.

  So many of the Mom and Pop stores are being forced out of business by
either the big brick and mortar stores, or by Amazon.

 DS> "Ma'am...if you just [pooted] while looking at it, you're going
 DS> to [crap] when I tell you the price!!". I guess I'm shopping at
 DS> Dollar General!! <BG>

 BM> Yup!

  After all, I am a frugal cheapskate. :P

 BM> Just because they're the latest and greatest.  Everyone moved from Downtown
 BM> to the Mall where all the stores were clustered together and
 BM> one could do their shopping in one place.  ...Oops: lug the purchases along
 BM> with you as the car's parke don the other end!

  But, around Christmas time, you have to watch for thugs who will rob you
of your stuff.

 DS>   That was for the meatheads out there. :P
 BM> Gloria!
 DS>   Or as Archie said once to his wife "Edith!! Where do you get
 DS> all this crapola??!!" <G>

 BM> (From you, dear!)

  There was a video on YouTube (I didn't look it), where Archie reflected
on Edith's death. I don't know if that was the character or for Jean
Stapleton. I think most all the cast from that show are dead and gone now.  

 DS>   I missed that one somehow.

 BM> Crumpled up on the floor.

  And, the cat is playing with it, like they do with the roll of toilet
paper. :P


... Can you repeat the part after "Listen Very Carefully"??
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