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Subject: Re: colour-blind Date: Mon Nov 09 2020 07:16 am
From: Barry Martin To: Charles Pierson

Hi Charles!

 > As for your boss using those wild colours on the bar graphs, makes
 > sense to me!   There are times when a light red and a dark orange
 > will look the same to me.  I've also found a skinny coloured line
 > isn't enough to 'trigger' knowing what colour it is: yup, it's a
 > colour!  Same a little bit larger (such as scroll_enlarge) and "oh!
 > that one is 'red' and that one is 'orange'!".
 CP> It made perfect sense to me after I understood he was colorblind.
 CP>  It just tended to confuse the other managers when they were
 CP> viewing them.
Yes, there are quite a few things which don't make sense until 
explained.  And maybe to him the colours looked normal, though I think I
remember ypou sayig he did it somewhat on purpose so he could see the
difference.  Reminds me of a lot of times I can't determine a colour if 
its line/spot is too narrow/small; widen/enlarge, then I can tell.  (Not
all the time: I've been told the carpet in the Dining Room is a green; 
always looks a medium gray to me!)

 CP> It was somewhat of a challenge to me on those occasions he was
 CP> gone and I had to do his reports. Trying to match his color
 CP> scheme so that he wouldn't have to re run the reports for his own
 CP> use was difficult.
<chuckle> Probably a combination of training: the main/first bar is 
always black, the second blue, then red, whereas his was black, yellow, 
pink.  "We always do it this way."  "Why?"  "Ummm, because we've always 
done it that way!" <g>

 > And you may have read elsewhere I do electronics as a hobby -- my
 > spare resistors are in coin envelopes to sort as the coffee can of
 > parts - ha!
 CP> Is that to better identify them or to avoid moisture getting to
 CP> them?
For identification.  The envelope is just a small packet approximately 
3" x 5" which fits perfectly inside some plastic show boxes.  The 
various values of resistors, capacitors, etc., are sorted and stored.   Moisture
would be more of a problem to the paper envelopes than the

 CP> I used to have a lot of anti-static bags they were discarding
 CP> from work to store my spare parts in.

Finally got too much 'static' about them piling up and had to throw them
out?!  I've got a small collection here for my computer parts: sometimes
do an upgrade and the old part doesn't fit in the bad the new part came 
in, or a motherboard dies or becomes antiquated and keep the 

                         »    BarryMartin3@    «
                         »   @MyMetronet.NET   «

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