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Subject: Re: Another Day In The ER Date: Mon Nov 09 2020 09:25 am
From: Daryl Stout To: Barry Martin

 DS>   Never mind Fred Sanford..."It's the big one, Mabel!!" <G>

 BM> 'Elizabeth', but yes.  ...Being on Medicare now I've noticed the front desk
 BM> staff or whoever goes over charges before submitting to the government does
 BM> prep with "this is generally covered, this is generally not and so you'll
 BM> probably be billed <amount>".  At least it doens't
 BM> come as a total shock when get the statement, plus gives time to
 BM> scrounge up money to pay.

  I can never remember that name. :P Or you get something stating "This
Is Not A Bill...but we're not paying for it". :P

 BM> Amtrack's nearest station is Galesburg, IL, about an hour's drive south
 BM> of here.  They've been talking of creating/recreating a spur (?) to
 BM> Moline or maybe it's Rock Island -- either one is across the
 BM> Mississippi River from me and would take about ten or fifteen minutes
 BM> from the house.

  The one thing I liked about Biden is that he was pro-Amtrak. With
COVID-19, I can NOT fly or take a bus. I'm looking forward to that
train trip next June, which will be my last big trip outside of
Arkansas. While the final Dance-A-Rama for Single Square Dancers USA
will be in Des Moines next September, I just can't bring myself to
flying. Plus, Amtrak goes across southern Iowa.

 BM> As far as local bus transportion, the good points include there are
 BM> easy connections between the two states and five cities, so that in
 BM> itself is quite an accomplishment!  Bad news is I think the individual
 BM> routes run only once an hour, so getting anywhere by bus doens't seem
 BM> all that convenient.  To me seems like small vans running more often
 BM> would make more sense.

  Unless you're in the northeast corridor, or in places with frequent
commuter service, you're out of luck.

 BM> Wouldn't hurt.  Put together a quick list of medical expenses you paid
 BM> outside of Medicare and compare to the monthly fee of the supplement
 BM> (less that initial deductible).  For me it makes financial sense;
 BM> dental insurance I break even over the years; vision insurance would
 BM> have cost me more than paying out of pocket.  (Part/most of vision is
 BM> now under Medicare I guess.)

  I'm likely going to have to get another ultrasound next week...I'm
still having moderate discomfort. And, with the arthritis, I didn't
rest well overnight. I have to head out later this morning to the
podiatrist to get a monthly foot check and toenail the
arthritis is so bad that I can't squeeze the clippers.

 DS>   Never mind checking to see if the folds and the Velcro are
 DS> right (this will teach me to answer mail at 2am!!). :P

 BM> Velcro?!  OUCH!!!

  This is TMI, but I had that hernia girdle/binder "a bit low". Yet,
I didn't want the umbilical hernia to work toward the colon or the
groin area. A similar deal is torsion of the testicle, which requires
emergency surgery to repair.

 BM> Sometimes not saying the punch line has a better reaction! :)

  When the light comes on, that is. :P

 BM> The various malls here are doing from 'reasonably well considering' to
 BM> 'iffy'.  Will just ramble on the Iowa-side ones.   The largest one now
 BM> generally looks like a ghost town -- from the outside anyway, though
 BM> has had problems for years as its anchor stores generally are having
 BM> problems: Sears closed, JC Penney is tettering, Younkers closed -- all well
 BM> before COVID-19.  Von Maur and Dillards are doing well.

  And so many of the big ones have filed for bankruptcy. Dillard's is
based in Little Rock.

  I think of the joke where the woman is shopping at Macy's, and looking
in the jewelery department. Well, she bends over, and farts. Hoping that
no one nearby noticed her "oops" moment, she's horrified when she sees
a young man asking her how he can help her. She describes the item she
was looking at, and he replies "Ma'am...if you just [pooted] while 
looking at it, you're going to [crap] when I tell you the price!!". I
guess I'm shopping at Dollar General!! <BG>

 BM> The two smaller malls don't have the big anchor stores, though do have some
 BM> sort of mid-sized anchor as draw.  The 'mall replacement' is strip malls,
 BM> though some are pretty big.  For whatever reason the strip malls are doing
 BM> well.  Maybe just the new thing: shopping went from Downtown
 BM> to The Mall and now to strip malls.

  Strip malls is the word...they've stripped the business from the
bigger ones, to where the buildings are naked without stores.

 DS>   That was for the meatheads out there. :P

 BM> Gloria!

  Or as Archie said once to his wife "Edith!! Where do you get all
this crapola??!!" <G>

 DS> the whole floor looks like L"!! <G>

 BM> Clever word play!

  That it was.

 DS>   And, you thought your feet smelled back already!!

 BM> I was waiting for them to smell forward!

  And, dachshunds paws smell like Fritos. :P

 BM> It has a poopy attitude!

  Of the body parts, it's "the boss" (and boss spelled backwards is
double SOB)...because if it shuts down, the whole body suffers. :P

 DS>   I saw a cartoon, with a cat at work at a desk. The IN Box is
 DS> full of mice...the OUT box is full of kitty litter. :P

 BM> And in-between was the Working On It box.

  I missed that one somehow.


... I'm one step away from being rich. All I need is money.
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