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Subject: Another Day In The ER Date: Wed Nov 04 2020 09:31 am
From: Barry Martin To: Daryl Stout

Hi Daryl!

 DS>   Again, I'd rather be safe than sorry.
 BM> Agree, though "crying wolf" can get expensive.  Helps to be aware of
 BM> one's body: this pain is probably normal for a gas bubble, this one is
 BM> probably a kidney stone; whoa! this one isn't right!!
 DS>   Seen on the hypochondriac's tombstone: "I told you I was
 DS> sick!!". <G>

Dare I do the husband's response?  "You just had to get the last word!"

 BM> Ummm: laughter's the best medicine - that's why they keep you in
 BM> stitches!
 DS>   Until they show you the bill. :P

That causes another medical episode!

 DS>   Folks around here think they can stop just as fast on a wet,
 DS> snowy, or icy pavement, as they can on dry. They likely got their
 DS> drivers license or CDL out of a Cracker Jack Box.
 BM> I'm thinking more lack of experience and/or remembering.
 DS>   It's a joy when you get your first license, but devastating
 DS> when you have to quit driving, as "your independence is now
 DS> destroyed". But, if you're a danger to others driving, etc., you
 DS> have no business driving. If nothing else, you don't have to
 DS> worry about maintenence, insurance, gasoline, or other car
 DS> related bills.

Besides driving also have to think of just plain walking: some people 
have a difficult time for a variety of reasons and that doesn't help.  
Could get into public transportation which generally is rather horrible 
in most parts of the country.  

 DS>   I have a good prescription drug plan, plus Part A and B
 DS> Medicare, but NOT Medicaid.
 BM> Still might want to consider the supplement option.  If Medicare pays
 BM> it pays.
 DS>   Most of them cost too much to worry about it.

Mine's about 2/3rds of what the Medicare deduction from Social Security

 BM> Look how nicely the sink fits, the no-gap corners... Oh,
 BM> counterfeiters, not counter fitters.
 DS>   I had a feeling you'd do that. :P

I was trying to counter that.

 DS>   Yeah, but $3 or likely much more for one Viagra pill??
 BM> That price is rather stiff!
 DS>   Talk about giving your wallet a hard time. :P

Wallet?? Kinky!

 DS>   I have a door on the BBS...Toilet Stall Graffitti Wall. It's
 DS> 200 flushes in ANSI...with "ANSI Rooter, that's the name...just
 DS> flush your graphics down the drain". <G>
 BM> Put the door in RAM: reboot, they've been flushed!
 DS>   RAM DISK is NOT an installation procedure.

So if it doens't fit don't ram it in?

 BM> ("I'm Chaquita Banana and I'm here to say, sit on the toilet and bombs
 BM> away!").
 DS>   ROFLMBO!! And, your butt probably felt like it was on fire.
 BM> Actually no, and I have had the raw and sensitive episodes.  Maybe drinking
 BM> more water ahead of time helped, or just happened to eat less reactive
 BM> foods, though the stomach's pH is probabyl about the same regardless and
 BM> that should be controlling the acidity of the chyme and
 BM> on I'd guess.
 DS>   I don't know what the pH was the last time I was doing the prep
 DS> work, but the way my throat and esophagus was burning, it had to
 DS> be high.

So alkaline??!

 BM> I went old-school and had a half-pint of plain yogurt when I came home
 BM> to restart the healthy bacteria, etc., in my gut.  Don't recall what we had
 BM> for dinner. tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwich comes to mind
 BM> but not sure.
 DS>   There was a restaurant chain that was started in Little Rock
 DS> called TCBY. It originally stood for either "This Can't Be
 DS> Yogurt" or "The Country's Best Yogurt"...and I really enjoyed
 DS> what they had. I think there's only 1 location left...sort of
 DS> like the Farrell's restaurant. I think that location is in
 DS> California. They had a deal called "the trough", with a full
 DS> length banana split, that would feed at least a dozen folks.

I vaguely remember "TCBY"!  Maybe had it once - I'm just not a Mall 
Eater: don't do shopping and snacking, or at least on my own.  If 
shopping with someone and they want a snack I'll probably get a coffee 
or a small nibble, but that's rare.

 BM> Over the teeth and past the gums; look out stomach: here it comes!
 DS>   That's it!! Or as Archie Bunker noted, "Bless the meat. Damn
 DS> the skin. Open your kisser, and cram it in". :P

Might have to use that one at Thanksgiving!

 BM> Yeah: I'm knocked out for the procedure.  As you implied, the day
 BM> before pretty much nothing is going to get done.
 DS>   On the contrary, quite a bit will get done...although you'll
 DS> have a crappy outlook for the day. :P

"So wha'cha been doing all day?"  "Oh, just a lot of running around!"

 DS> ... Wisconsin: Come smell our dairy air.
 BM> Oddly appropriate!
 DS>   I've had some folks say "you haven't lived if you haven't
 DS> walked through a cow pasture barefoot". No thanks, I don't want
 DS> e-coli entering my body through my feet. It's bad enough it's in
 DS> my gut already.

Most intestinal E. Coli is of the good variety, but I do agree squishing
cow poop between my toes does not make my Fun Things To Do List.

                         »    BarryMartin3@    «
                         »   @MyMetronet.NET   «

... My love for you is like diarrhea: I can't hold it in.
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