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Subject: I'm being slammed by thes Date: Sat Oct 31 2020 10:23 am
From: Daryl Stout To: Barry Martin


 BM> Yup, really! Our highly-paid designer suit-wearing lawyers said so!
 DS>   Attorney: Have Lawsuit (their attire), will travel. :P

 BM> Much more appropriate on the job than just grabbing a Goodyear or
 BM> Michelin for their office a-tire!

  Sold by a gentleman named Ray D.L. <G>

 BM> They have lunch in the courtroom?  "Dis order mine!"

Judge: Order In The Court!!
Defendant: Pizza And Beer For Everybody!! <G>

 BM> Well, y'know when putting all the pieces together it's called
 BM> "connecting the dots"!

  Yeah, this is true...never mind paint by number. Then, you have
the black and white drawings to "paint" for "the lazy" (they're
going to be black and white, anyway). :P

 BM> a necessary evil.

  That's the call of nature...necessary, and if you don't take care of it...then
it becomes evil. :P

 BM> As for the mask, I've seen a few in my limited travels.  Some people
 BM> just find wearing a mask very uncomfortable.  Medically a face screen might
 BM> provide more protection than a mask does because the face mask
 BM> also covers the eyes: another access point.

  If the mask is too tight, I agree. The ones I have fit very nicely.

 BM> There should also have been "Elementary School Chemistry"!

  Just don't let the pure sodium come in contact with air or water (it
will ignite -- that's why it's stored in kerosene).

 BM> They just wanted the burgers flame broiled!

  At one local Burger King, the hood did catch fire. No one was hurt, but
the restaurant was closed for several weeks for remodeling.

 BM> You already considered, so next!

  The doctor extended the antibiotic another week. If I'm still having
issues in 2 weeks, they'll do another ultrasound (and this time, it
likely will be done by an ugly male, than a pretty female <grumble!>).

 BM> I'm not a beer drinker: just not all that tasty to me.

  Country-Western Singer Tom T. Hall (known as "The Storyteller") did
a song years ago called "I Like Beer"...I'm sure you can find it on

 BM> We had snow Monday morning, maybe a couple tenths of an inch - just
 BM> enough to cover  things.  And has been cool enough here there was a
 BM> little bit of snow on the car bumper yesterday (Wednesday) late
 BM> morning.

  We may see our first frost and freeze on Monday morning.

 DS>   Besides, if we raise the bar, it makes it too hard to get the
 DS> drinks. <G>

 BM> And then it would be hard to belly up to the bar!

  They'd find a way. :P


... Got left at the wrong nursery; I was surrounded by trees and plants.
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