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Subject: I'm being slammed by thes Date: Tue Oct 27 2020 03:33 pm
From: Daryl Stout To: Barry Martin


 BM> Yup, really! Our highly-paid designer suit-wearing lawyers said so!

  Attorney: Have Lawsuit (their attire), will travel. :P

  The deal with "Disorder In The Court" comes to mind (I think I've
posted that in here before...if not, I can do it in a later message).

 BM> They should take a cue from the commercial about some depression
 BM> medication: person goes around in social gatherings with a stick with a
 BM> frowny face on one side and a happy face on the other.  (The person is
 BM> depressed so frowning before taking the medication but 'putting on a
 BM> happy face'.)  Should use something like that since we can't see the
 BM> mouth expression under the mask.

  I was out at lunch at a local restaurant today, and instead of a mask,
one customer had a face shield. It reminded me when I was working with the
hazardous chemicals in silkscreen printing (especially the lye (sodium
hydroxide) related solution, that helped remove the "ghost images" from previous
designs, before the screen was coated with emulsion again, and
had a new image placed with it...especially if the new image had halftones
(dots). I find it ironic that growing up, I was fascinated by these
halftones in the books, especially in one called "Elementary School Mathematics"
(which was over 50 years ago now)...but when I was exposed
to them with silkscreen printing, I hated them.

  Some of this stuff, you could not leave on the screen very long, or it
would weaken the mesh, and it'd rip. Other compounds, it didn't matter how
long you left it on there. But, you had to make sure it was cleaned off
thoroughly with a pressure washer, so any residue from it wouldn't cause
the next application of emulsion to break down.

  When I worked for Burger King, the ventilation hood grease screens
were soaked in a tank of lye overnight, then rinsed out the next
morning. You didn't want that built up grease residue to catch fire.

 BM> Hmm: with a slight accent I could be a "Stout Beer-ee"!

  Make my name a spoonerism, and I'm "Steriled Out"...true, since I had
that vasectomy done. But, I had real bad groin pain overnight...I hope
it was from the epididymytis, and not kidney stones developing. I am
wondering if surgery is going to have to be considered.

  As for the "Stout" (aka Guiness Stout, or Dark Guiness), my late wife
tried it, and didn't care for it. For me, it's my belly that's rather
"Stout", but I'm trying to build up insulation for my winter hibernation.

  Seriously, portions of New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, and other
areas, have been under Winter Storm Warnings or Ice Storm Warnings. With
many of the trees still having leaves on them, it apparently is leading
to widespread power outages.

 DS> ... Are cranberries healthy?? I never heard one complain.

 BM> So we know they're not Jewish!

 BM> ... Waiter asks table full of Jewish women "Is anything all right?".

  Just like the meme when the Priest and a Rabbi walk into a bar...

  They all have a huge knot on their head from hitting it. :P

  Besides, if we raise the bar, it makes it too hard to get the drinks. <G>


... Women and cats do as they like. Men and dogs get used to it.
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