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Subject: piano, LPs, Clive Cussler Date: Tue Oct 20 2020 01:13 pm
From: Daryl Stout To: Barry Martin


 DS>   Exactly. Or maybe you should be a nudist at home...they're sure
 DS> to show up. :P

 BM> Or run away in shock and horror!!

  I think of the line from "Silver Streak", when Richard Pryor saw
Gene Wilder's girlfriend (Jill Clayburgh), and said "Have Mercy!!" <G>.

 BM> (That makes more sense when one remembers you don't get your mail delivered
 BM> to the house but to a Post Office Box.)  IMO most mail isn't that urgent
 BM> and can wait a day or two.  Checks (the proper and correct kind!) are nice
 BM> to get sooner than later, but still have to deposit
 BM> them to be any value.

  I saw one today "For parents and grandparents...Life Insurance for your
child". Well, I never had children or grandchildren (I'm still trying to
figure out how to have grandchildren without children), so it goes straight
to the trashcan.

 BM> So give the guy sitting on the other side of the confessional
 BM> nightmares!

  Or where the parishoner tells the priest "Forgive me father, for I
have sinned. I murdered several members of Congress".

  The priest said "I asked for confession of your sins...not of your
public service". <G>

 BM> Gone with the wind!
 DS>   Frankly, Miss Piggy...I don't give a hoot. - Kermit

 BM> Heh. :)

  I think it was in The Muppet Movie, where "Doctor Teeth And His
Electric Mayhem" were driving the bus, and they were being pulled
over by a motorcycle cop. The "Doctor" starts using all the cliches
for a police officer (cop, fuzz, man in blue, constabulary, etc.),
and starts spelling out the derogatory term (pig), and Miss Piggy
practically has a cow, screaming "Don't Say It!!"...and he meekly
says "I wasn't going to...". :P

 DS>   And, I've never visited the Netherlands. <G>

 BM> Proctology isn't for you. :)

  That's like the joke at the funeral of a long time, beloved
cardiologist. There is a huge heart behind the casket. After the
funeral is done, the heart opens up, the coffin rolls inside, 
and the heart closes, entombing the casket inside forever.

  Suddenly, one of the physicians busts out laughing. Everyone
looks at him with scorn for his rudeness with his outburst. He
apologizes, saying "I'm sorry. I was just thinking of my own
funeral. I'm a gynecologist".

  The proctologist fainted dead away. <G>


... Deja Poo: What happens prepping for a colonoscopy.
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In Reply To: piano, LPs, Clive Cussler (Barry Martin)
Replies: the other side of the confessional (August Abolins)