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Subject: Re: Eat Sh*t and Die Date: Sat Oct 17 2020 12:37 pm
From: Daryl Stout To: August Abolins


 AA> The pills are FOR more potassium, right?  I'm saying it is the
 AA> opposite for me; the less the better. times, my potassium levels have gotten low, but 
thankfully, that hasn't been the case for years.

 DS> Overmedicated?? We have a prescription for that. <G>

 AA> I'm telling ya, my joint/muscle pain was so bad I was prepared to
 AA> visit a doctor.  But circumstances (laziness) stemmed the urge, and
 AA> I soon made the bananas/potassium connection. Once I eliminated the
 AA> bananas, I was back to pain-free.  I don't take prescription pills
 AA> for anything else, nor would I want to.

  I've got medications for cholesterol, triglycerides, high blood
pressure, urinary health, and for pain. Thankfully, I don't need to
take a pain pill every day.

 AA> There you go. It's best to avoid the foods that have the high oxylates.

  Why couldn't be stuff I didn't like??

 AA> I create my own versions of "frozen mw" dinners without the sodium

  I used to do casseroles with macaroni and cheese, hot dogs, English
peas (since I can't eat corn due to colon issues), and cheese. That
would last me for several days.

 DS> Most medications have side effects that require you taking
 DS> another medication. That's why big pharma is so rich, and
 DS> charges so much for the name brand meds. They "wine and
 DS> dine" the entire staff at a medical clinic, then present
 DS> their spiel... and also pay for radio, TV, and print
 DS> advertising.

 AA> Exactly.  They have no interest in *not* having you as a user.

  To them, "a cured patient is a lost customer".


... Never drink and drive. Hitting a bump spills your drink.
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