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Subject: Re: Eat Sh*t and Die Date: Fri Oct 16 2020 04:01 pm
From: August Abolins To: Daryl Stout

On 15/10/2020 9:26 p.m., Daryl Stout wrote:

 AA>> I wouldn't trust just the numbers. I can't tolerate a
 AA>> certain amount of potassium (beyond 3 bananas per day)..I
 AA>> would develop sore muscles and joints. I've cut back
 AA>> drastically, and all pain is gone.

 DS> Those potassium deals are "horse pills". I have to either
 DS> cut them in half, or dissolve them in water. I nearly
 DS> choke on them otherwise.

The pills are FOR more potassium, right?  I'm saying it is the
opposite for me; the less the better.

 DS> They've told me that part of the reason for my leg pain is
 DS> the potassium levels... but I think it's more arthritis
 DS> than anything else.

Arthritis is the result of inflammation. What causes inflammation? -
the kinds of foods we eat.  For me, too much potassium would make me
feel like I have arthritis.  It may be worth researching the foods
that are best for reducing inflammation.

This one has been around a few years, but a good goto book:

Meals That Heal Inflammation : Embrace Healthy Living and Eliminate
Pain, One Meal at at Time
Julie Daniluk, RHN
June 15, 2012

AND, this one is pretty good too..

Anti-Inflammatory Diet in 21 : 100 Recipes, 5 Ingredients, and 3
Weeks to Fight Inflammation
Sondi Bruner
Date: November 16, 2015

 AA>> Instead, a doc would just prescribe a pill to kill the
 AA>> pain, and the source of the problem is not dealt with.

 DS> Overmedicated?? We have a prescription for that. <G>

I'm telling ya, my joint/muscle pain was so bad I was prepared to
visit a doctor.  But circumstances (laziness) stemmed the urge, and
I soon made the bananas/potassium connection. Once I eliminated the
bananas, I was back to pain-free.  I don't take prescription pills
for anything else, nor would I want to.

 DS> I've never had an issue with the sodium, although I've had
 DS> kidney stones in the past. That was a combination of not
 DS> drinking enough liquid per day, and eating stuff with
 DS> oxylates (i.e. chocolate, candy, etc.).

There you go. It's best to avoid the foods that have the high oxylates.

 DS> If one has a heart condition, sodium is a definite "no-
 DS> no"... yet, all of the processed foods (i.e. microwave
 DS> dinners) are drowning in it.

I create my own versions of "frozen mw" dinners without the sodium
problem. Frozen vegs + frozen baked meat = easy mw dinner.  Just add
olive oil + butter and spices to taste.  A yam comes out very nice
in the mw = better for ya than a starchy white potato with sodium
gravy (found in commercial dinners)

 AA>> I am just saying that most people may only need to take
 AA>> stock of what their eating, and adjust that to get rid of
 AA>> the problems they are experiencing.

 DS> When told to watch what I ate, I said "I do... from the
 DS> plate to the mouth!!". The doctor didn't like my answer.:
 DS> P

Seriously though, we are all either looking at the source of the
problem on our plates, or we have choices to choose better things to

 AA>> If you are taking meds, are you really dealing with the
 AA>> source of the problem that might be on your dinner plate
 AA>> and totally under your control.

 DS> Most medications have side effects that require you taking
 DS> another medication. That's why big pharma is so rich, and
 DS> charges so much for the name brand meds. They "wine and
 DS> dine" the entire staff at a medical clinic, then present
 DS> their spiel... and also pay for radio, TV, and print
 DS> advertising.

Exactly.  They have no interest in *not* having you as a user.
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