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Subject: Re: Eat Sh*t and Die Date: Thu Oct 15 2020 08:26 pm
From: Daryl Stout To: August Abolins


 AA> I wouldn't trust just the numbers.  I can't tolerate a certain
 AA> amount of potassium (beyond 3 bananas per day) ..I would develop
 AA> sore muscles and joints.  I've cut back drastically, and all pain is
 AA> gone.

  Those potassium deals are "horse pills". I have to either cut them
in half, or dissolve them in water. I nearly choke on them otherwise.

 AA> Other people may not have such a problem with the same amount
 AA> (normal?) potassium. A lab technician or doc might might look at
 AA> those numbers and say it's "normal".

  They've told me that part of the reason for my leg pain is the
potassium levels...but I think it's more arthritis than anything else.

 AA> Instead, a doc would just prescribe a pill to kill the pain, and the source
 AA> of the problem is not dealt with.

  Overmedicated?? We have a prescription for that. <G>

 AA> I have a friend who simply cannot have more than 1/8 tsp of salt for
 AA> a day.  The kidneys are already damaged.  Sodium is not a problem
 AA> for me.

  I've never had an issue with the sodium, although I've had kidney stones
in the past. That was a combination of not drinking enough liquid per day,
and eating stuff with oxylates (i.e. chocolate, candy, etc.).

  If one has a heart condition, sodium is a definite "no-no"...yet, all of
the processed foods (i.e. microwave dinners) are drowning in it. Whenever
we'd order pizza, my late wife would tell them "I want every anchovy that
you have in the place!!". I told her "you can have those nasty things!!".

  The thing is, her parents and I advised her to cut back on the salt, and
she just gave us "the stink eye".

 AA> Another person I know spent most of their life constipated. Then, on
 AA> a hunch, they simply introduced more fiber via the product "Bran
 AA> Buds".  Instant relief.

  I rarely have a problem with that...although being a smart-@$$ one night,
I told my wife that "My head is so far up my butt, that I can see my throat".
Without missing a beat, grinning wryly, she said "That's why your eyes are
brown!!" -- <ZING!>.

 AA> I am just saying that most people may only need to take stock of
 AA> what their eating, and adjust that to get rid of the problems they
 AA> are experiencing.

  When told to watch what I ate, I said "I do...from the plate to the  mouth!!".
The doctor didn't like my answer. :P

 AA> If you are taking meds, are you really dealing with the source of
 AA> the problem that might be on your dinner plate and totally under
 AA> your control.

  Most medications have side effects that require you taking another medication.
That's why big pharma is so rich, and charges so much for
the name brand meds. They "wine and dine" the entire staff at a medical
clinic, then present their spiel...and also pay for radio, TV, and print


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