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Subject: Re: Eat Sh*t and Die Date: Wed Oct 14 2020 08:05 pm
From: Ky Moffet To: Daryl Stout

> Ky,

>   KM> Typical symptoms for hypothyroidism. 80% of people over age 50 are
>   KM> affected to some degree. Get full workup (NOT just TSH test).
>   KM> Difference between just enduring it and being properly treated is
>   KM> nothing short of miraculous.

>    The last bloodwork I had a month ago, showed nothing unusual in that
> area.

Lots of docs still think TSH is all you need to test and that up to 4.5 
is "normal". Nope... over 1.4 is suspect and over 2 is redflag. Also, 
need to check FreeT3, that's the only really meaningful metric.
 ■ RNET 2.10U: ILink: Techware BBS ■ Hollywood, Ca ■

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