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Subject: Re: Eat Sh*t and Die Date: Sat Oct 10 2020 02:18 am
From: Ky Moffet To: Daryl Stout


>    Today, I had to get a Coca-Cola and a Kit-Kat for "an energy boost", as
> I was so tired, I was trying to keep from falling asleep at the wheel. I don't
> rest well at night, and was up much earlier than i wanted to be this morning.
> I take a power nap in the afternoon, but sometimes that causes insomnia
> overnight.
Typical symptoms for hypothyroidism. 80% of people over age 50 are 
affected to some degree. Get full workup (NOT just TSH test). Difference
between just enduring it and being properly treated is nothing short of
 ■ RNET 2.10U: ILink: Techware BBS ■ Hollywood, Ca ■

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