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Subject: Re: Eat Sh*t and Die Date: Fri Oct 09 2020 07:27 pm
From: August Abolins To: Daryl Stout

On 10/8/2020 11:46 PM, "Daryl Stout" wrote..

 AA>> The sugar is also found in the bread and pastas you eat.

 DS> Today, I had to get a Coca-Cola and a Kit-Kat for "an energy
 DS> boost", as I was so tired, I was trying to keep from falling
 DS> asleep at the wheel. I don't rest well at night, and was up
 DS> much earlier than i wanted to be this morning. I take a
 DS> power nap in the afternoon, but sometimes that causes
 DS> insomnia overnight.

Your energy boost is really just a sugar boost. You probably wouldn't have
these swings of energy   if you avoided the processed sugars in the first
place. Kit-kats and colas shouldn't be viewed as energy boost solutions.

I used to do as you and kept some chocolate bars as "emergency" snacks when I
would feel a slump coming on.  Gradually, I would reach for those bars more and 
more. Then, I too preferred to have a late afternoon nap, and wake up a couple
hours later to resume my evening with a dinner.

But then I got sick and tired of gaining weight. I learned about the dangers of 
having too much processed sugars. I simply threw out over 20 lbs of sugar in
the house.  I had steady cravings for several days, but I learned to get
through that.

Today, about 2 years later, I am down 25 lbs after reaching nearly 200 lbs.
Previous sport jackets that I couldn't button-up properly, now do. I threw out
my overly long and worn out belts where I had reached the very last holes and
was stretching the leather.  I stopped needing naps very early on when I
stopped taking chocolate bars and sugar.

 DS> Yet, I've learned the hard way if I try to work on the
 DS> computer when tired, I'm going to screw something up. Like
 DS> when I thought I was in a temporary directory, and did Y to
 DS> DEL *.* -- over 500 ascii, ANSI, and RIP BBS bulletin files
 DS> went POOF!! I don't know if I was more sick, angry, or
 DS> both.: P

DEL *.* is a very powerful command. 

But if you would change the way you eat (for the better), you would probably
won't get tired as often.

 AA>> Try a gradual approach to eating healthier. It doesn't have
 AA>> to be drastic. Good food would probably make a big
 AA>> difference in reducing the many ailments you are having.

 DS> I've had digestive issues for years. I would love to be
 DS> eating salads exclusively, but I can only tolerate iceberg
 DS> lettuce in the salads.

Sometimes it takes a little while for the enzymes in your gut to adjust to new
foods. When I had an avocado for the first time, it gave me gas and some
cramps. I almost convinced myself that my body simply wouldn't tolerate it. But 
scaling back the amount to 1/2 avocado per day or every other day made a big
difference. I experienced the benefits of high natural fats and low carbs very
quickly. I was able to resume taking a full avocado per day after a couple
weeks. Good natural fats from avocado, +unsalted almonds +unsalted cashews
provides plenty of energy boost.  I don't get any afternoon slumps and I don't
need naps anymore.

I also learned that I can't have too much potassium.  More than two bananas
would trigger horrible pain in my joints and limit flexibility.  

Try to eat better, and many of your ailments and discomforts could go away.
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