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Subject: Re: Eat Sh*t and Die Date: Thu Oct 08 2020 10:46 pm
From: Daryl Stout To: August Abolins


 AA> The belly is not the only measure of being overweight. The fat is
 AA> found internally, such as between the organs, the butt, the neck, etc.

  I believe in the balanced diet...balanced in the belly and the butt. <G>

 AA> I didn't either, at first. Now, it remains the single most effective
 AA> go-to food for a quick snack/ingredient or hunger-inhibitor.

  I went and got some beenie weenies today. I was going to get some of the
Bush's Baked Beans, but when all the flavors noted tangy and spicy, I 
decided to pass on them.

 AA> The sugar is also found in the bread and pastas you eat.

  Today, I had to get a Coca-Cola and a Kit-Kat for "an energy boost", as
I was so tired, I was trying to keep from falling asleep at the wheel. I
don't rest well at night, and was up much earlier than i wanted to be this
morning. I take a power nap in the afternoon, but sometimes that causes insomnia

  Yet, I've learned the hard way if I try to work on the computer when tired,
I'm going to screw something up. Like when I thought I was in a temporary
directory, and did Y to DEL *.* -- over 500 ascii, ANSI, and RIP BBS bulletin
files went POOF!! I don't know if I was more sick, angry, or both. :P

 AA> It doesn't have to be "spicy".  It just needs to be enough to be pleasantly
 AA> interesting and not bland.

  I don't mind a mild kick, but I can't handle much more than that.

 AA> Try a gradual approach to eating healthier. It doesn't have to be
 AA> drastic.  Good food would probably make a big difference in reducing
 AA> the many ailments you are having.

  I've had digestive issues for years. I would love to be eating salads
exclusively, but I can only tolerate iceberg lettuce in the salads.


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