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Subject: piano, LPs, Clive Cussler Date: Thu Oct 08 2020 10:40 pm
From: Daryl Stout To: Barry Martin


 BM> Over the years I have had a few day delays from UPS but has also either due
 BM> to nasty weather or truck issue, and was notified via e-mail (I am signed
 BM> up for notifications).  And to be fair the other way, I have had deliveries
 BM> at 8 and 9 at night.

  Now, if weather is an issue, I can understand it...but if not, I have to
wonder. I've seen the mail carrier stop at the end of the street for at least
a half hour (it's the last block on the route), and he decides to have lunch.
Why couldn't he deliver the mail first??

 BM> Find it too difficult when they're closed, hmmm?  <Pulling on locked doors:
 BM> "Let me in!!" <g>>

  Actually, I can check my Post Office Box 24/7/365...but I don't like to get
out after dark. Plus, if it's too big to get in the P.O. Box, I get a card
notice, and have to pick it up at the counter. They're open 8am to 5pm Monday
through Friday, and only 10am to 1pm on Saturday (closed from 1pm Saturday to
8am Monday). If the day is a US holiday, they're closed that day as well. With
Christmas and New Years on Friday this year, that means a long weekend.

 BM> Censoring the profanity is fine IMO; the TV segment edited things so it was
 BM> more like Sparkle Poof 0.3,

  YouTube had the bleep, but you could figure out what it was. :P

 DS> ... To Post Office: "Photos - Don't Bend", isn't a challenge.

 BM> Simple: slip a steel sheet in the envelope!

  They'd probably sue you if they got injured.

 BM> Good! Hate to have your Microsoft Warranty expire, your car coverage
 BM> slip, your Social Security Number be void....

  As the late P.T. Barnum noted, "There's a sucker born every minute".


... Can you tell me when my past due amount is due??
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In Reply To: piano, LPs, Clive Cussler (Barry Martin)