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Subject: Re: Eat Sh*t and Die Date: Thu Oct 08 2020 01:53 pm
From: August Abolins To: Daryl Stout

On 07/10/2020 10:05 a.m., Daryl Stout wrote:

 AA>> One meal a day, down from 3, doesn't instantly translate
 AA>> to 60% improvement in dietary health.

 DS> True... but I don't have the appetite.


 AA>> The initial loss is usually just water. The body is still
 AA>> loaded with visceral fat.

 DS> Well, my belly isn't as protruding as it used to be.

The belly is not the only measure of being overweight. The fat is
found internally, such as between the organs, the butt, the neck, etc.

 AA>> But.. avocado remains to be one of the best sources of
 AA>> good fat. I'll scoop some bits of it in a scrambled egg
 AA>> (via microwave) + some butter + spices mentioned above.
 AA>> The result is a very satisfying meaty meal.

 DS> I just don't care for it.

I didn't either, at first. Now, it remains the single most effective
go-to food for a quick snack/ingredient or hunger-inhibitor.

 DS> The M&M chocolate chip cookies are the only "sweet" thing
 DS> I have. I decided not to get any ice cream products.

The sugar is also found in the bread and pastas you eat.

 AA>> The spicy component would act as way to help curb hunger.
 AA>> You should really try some spices on your dinners,
 AA>> gradually.

 DS> I've never been able to handle the hot and spicy stuff,
 DS> but my late wife loved that cuisine.

It doesn't have to be "spicy".  It just needs to be enough to be
pleasantly interesting and not bland.

Try a gradual approach to eating healthier. It doesn't have to be
drastic.  Good food would probably make a big difference in reducing
the many ailments you are having.
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