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Subject: Nancy Backus Date: Wed Oct 07 2020 07:33 pm
From: Barry Martin To: All

Daryl forwarded this sad note to me and I thought I would forward here 
(also).  Daryl will probably forward also.  I am not trying to beat 
Daryl, just as he is sometimes off-line due to bad weather and this is
important enough not to be delayed.

   Hi Daryl --
   Just a quick note.
   I got an e-mail from Richard Backus this morning that Nancy died
   around 0500.  She was in no pain, no meds, etc.  It was very
   I dropped a quick note to Memories after I got that.
   I would have written but my tablet mail program has no addresses 
   in it.
   Joe Mackey

Her passing was earlier today, October 7th.

RIP.  We loved you.  We love your memories.

                         »    BarryMartin3@    «
                         »   @MyMetronet.NET   «

... Smiles are free - share them!
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