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Subject: Re: Eat Sh*t and Die Date: Wed Oct 07 2020 09:05 am
From: Daryl Stout To: August Abolins


 DS> There used to be grilled chicken patties that were frozen. I
 DS> could cook/heat them in the microwave oven, and have a nice
 DS> sandwich.

 AA> I've cut out bread from my shopping list entirely.

  Not me. Among the items I got the other day were:

1) Three minute mini pizzas (sausage and pepperoni or 3 meat -- it
will be the first "italian food" I've had in months).

2) Lloyd's BBQ beef and pork -- cook in the microwave oven, then put
it on sandwiches.

3) Chicken Fries.

4) Chocolate chip cookies with M&M's (my sweet tooth food). See the
tagline below. <G>

 AA> I can "love" the pie (and sugar) too. But I haven't had a pie of any
 AA> kind for over 8 years.

  Sometimes, the crust is too dry. But, most of these cakes and pies are
too rich for my digestive tract to handle. The one I haven't had a problem
with is the strawberry cream cheese pie. I didn't get any of those, as the
freezer got filled with rest of the stuff.

 AA> The last few that I've purchased have no seeds (or their just little
 AA> pale things of no consequence).

  There is a seedless watermelon, but I can't recall the name of it. I did
see where some prepackaged fruits sold at Wal-Mart and elsewhere, had been
recalled, due to listeria contamination.

 AA> Seasoning is simple for me. I find all I need in a jar of ClubHouse Roasted
 AA> Peppers & Garlic, or the Garlic Plus.  I mix it up from day to day.  Good
 AA> enough. No need to add salt at all.

  Several restaurants have switched to "Sea Salt", but I don't know how much
less traditional salt is still left with that.

 AA> I don't understand that mentality. The person who overindulges just doesn't
 AA> care about the consequences seriously.  I had a friend who
 AA> loved coffee. But after a few minutes of consumption, their blood
 AA> pressure would rise, swell at the throat, and break into a sweat.

  It reminds of the cartoon from the woman's blood work, and the doctor tells

  "The red dots are red blood cells. The white dots are white blood cells.
The black dots are coffee. We need to talk". <G>

 AA> Then forget about broccoli.  There are plenty of other veggies that are
 AA> great drizzled with butter and that are good for you.

  I prefer the BirdsEye frozen English peas.

 AA> Macaroni would be a problem in my mind. It's cheap and high in empty
 AA> carbs (sugar).  It would be best to steer away from it.  Maybe at best,
 AA> have it only once a week as you work your way to get clean from a sugar
 AA> addiction.

  As it turns out, I didn't get any of that. I originally thought about some
salad fixins' with iceberg lettuce and cherry tomatoes, but changed my mind.
Those cherry tomatoes rot so fast, and they say you should not refrigerate
them...yet, they last longer when you do.

 AA> One meal a day, down from 3, doesn't instantly translate to 60% improvement
 AA> in dietary health. ;)

  True...but I don't have the appetite.

 AA> The initial loss is usually just water. The body is still loaded with
 AA> visceral fat.

  Well, my belly isn't as protruding as it used to be.

 AA> You should try to maintain a steady caloric intake over the course of 3
 AA> to 4 waking hours. When I committed myself to start eating better, I
 AA> counted every calorie to make sure I don't eat too much. From that I
 AA> learned that for my weight (and the weight I wanted to attain) I should
 AA> only maintain an average of 125 - 150 cals per hour.

  Well, if I don't have the appetite, I'm not going to force myself to eat.

 AA> When I had produced a tastey meal, it was so easy to have more and
 AA> more, beyond what I needed. Instead, I learned how to have some
 AA> beverages before a meal, and eat foods that are filling, yet healthy.

  I am drinking a half gallon of flavored water a day, to keep flushed out,
and not get kidney stones (been there, done that). I also need beverages
with my food to wash it down (and prevent possible choking). My late wife
would eat all of her food first, then guzzle her beverage "to fill up the
nooks and crannies". She would eat anything that wouldn't eat her first... she'd
bite it back. Unfortunately, my digestive tract isn't as tolerant.

 AA> I imagine that you are a rather large fellow. How many calories is your one
 AA> meal?  If you don't care about your weight, then eat all you want.
 AA> But that doesn't mean the results will be good for you.

  It depends on what I eat. Several years ago, when the doctor told me I
had to watch what I ate, I told him "I do...from the plate to the mouth".
He didn't like my answer. Then, I had another doctor tell me "You're not
in the best of shape, but for the shape you're in, you're in great shape!!".

 AA> But.. avocado remains to be one of the best sources of good fat. I'll scoop
 AA> some bits of it in a scrambled egg (via microwave) + some butter
 AA> + spices mentioned above.  The result is a very satisfying meaty meal.

  I just don't care for it.

 AA> Re guacamole, I see that you do not care for the tangy spicey oniony
 AA> result.  It's probably a sugar addiction that is winning you over.

  The M&M chocolate chip cookies are the only "sweet" thing I have. I 
decided not to get any ice cream products.

 AA> The spicy component would act as way to help curb hunger. You should really
 AA> try some spices on your dinners, gradually. 

  I've never been able to handle the hot and spicy stuff, but my late wife loved
that cuisine.


... I'm making chocolate chip cookies, and I have more M&M's to peel.
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