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Subject: Re: Eat Sh*t and Die Date: Tue Oct 06 2020 09:01 pm
From: August Abolins To: Daryl Stout

On 10/5/2020 8:24 AM, "Daryl Stout" wrote,

 DS> There used to be grilled chicken patties that were frozen. I
 DS> could cook/heat them in the microwave oven, and have a nice
 DS> sandwich.

I've cut out bread from my shopping list entirely.

 DS> I love apple pie...I remember when Burger King had the fried
 DS> hot apple pies, but they took 6 minutes to cook in the deep
 DS> fryer. 

I can "love" the pie (and sugar) too. But I haven't had a pie of any kind for
over 8 years.

 DS> I've seen dachshunds also liking watermelon... but I'd think
 DS> you'd have to get the seeds removed first.

The last few that I've purchased have no seeds (or their just little pale
things of no consequence).

 DS> ..When my health wasn't so bad, and I
 DS> could stand to cook at the stove, I'd salt my burgers,
 DS> fries, and tomatoes. Otherwise, I rarely season my food. Of
 DS> course, if you go out, or buy processed foods (frozen
 DS> dinners), those things are drowning in sodium.

Seasoning is simple for me. I find all I need in a jar of ClubHouse Roasted
Peppers & Garlic, or the Garlic Plus.  I mix it up from day to day.  Good
enough. No need to add salt at all.

 AA>> No point in eating something that your body can't tolerate.

 DS> I might try a limited bit of it, but it reminds me of when I
 DS> used to eat cheesecake, etc. -- I'd say "I'm going to regret
 DS> it later, but I'm going to enjoy it now".: P

I don't understand that mentality. The person who overindulges just doesn't
care about the consequences seriously.  I had a friend who loved coffee. But
after a few minutes of consumption, their blood pressure would rise, swell at
the throat, and break into a sweat.  There was pill to counteract the worst of
it. And this would continue until the pills ran out.

 AA>> Butter is fine for the most part...
 AA>> ...It's quite nice on a
 AA>> heated veggies too.

 DS> I understand having that on broccoli makes it taste
 DS> better... but I'm not a fan of such.

Then forget about broccoli.  There are plenty of other veggies that are great
drizzled with butter and that are good for you.

 DS> I'm out of food this morning, so grocery shopping is on the
 DS> agenda. I'm considering getting things like macaroni and
 DS> cheese, hot dogs, and frozen English Peas... to cook up a
 DS> bit of a casserole conglomeration.

Macaroni would be a problem in my mind. It's cheap and high in empty carbs
(sugar).  It would be best to steer away from it.  Maybe at best, have it only
once a week as you work your way to get clean from a sugar addiction.

 AA>> You are a walking disaster. Should avoid some of those
 AA>> things mentioned above. ;)

 DS> Well, I only eat one meal a day...I'm not a breakfast
 DS> person, and with the big lunch, I can wait until the next
 DS> day to eat. With the fasting I've been on lately, I've
 DS> dropped 15 pounds.

One meal a day, down from 3, doesn't instantly translate to 60% improvement in
dietary health. ;)

The initial loss is usually just water. The body is still loaded with visceral

You should try to maintain a steady caloric intake over the course of 3 to 4
waking hours. When I committed myself to start eating better, I counted every
calorie to make sure I don't eat too much. From that I learned that for my
weight (and the weight I wanted to attain) I should only maintain an average of 
125 - 150 cals per hour. 

When I had produced a tastey meal, it was so easy to have more and more, beyond 
what I needed. Instead, I learned how to have some beverages before a meal, and 
eat foods that are filling, yet healthy.

I imagine that you are a rather large fellow. How many calories is your one
meal?  If you don't care about your weight, then eat all you want. But that
doesn't mean the results will be good for you.

 AA>> I never had avocado in my life up unto 2 years ago. I may
 AA>> as well have had pure prune juice too! But, 1/2 of a small
 AA>> avocado every other day was ok for a few days, and then 1/2
 AA>> every day. After a few days, a whole avocado did not have
 AA>> any negative effects anymore.

 DS> I never cared for avocadoes or guacamole.

But.. avocado remains to be one of the best sources of good fat. I'll scoop
some bits of it in a scrambled egg (via microwave) + some butter + spices
mentioned above.  The result is a very satisfying meaty meal.

Re guacamole, I see that you do not care for the tangy spicey oniony result.
It's probably a sugar addiction that is winning you over.

The spicy component would act as way to help curb hunger. You should really try 
some spices on your dinners, gradually.
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