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Subject: Re: I'm being slammed by thes Date: Tue Oct 06 2020 11:12 am
From: August Abolins To: Daryl Stout

On 05/10/2020 8:14 a.m., Daryl Stout wrote:

 DS>> I've got to contact the DO NOT CALL registry to get my
 DS>> cellphones on it. I'm being slammed by these robocalls.

 AA>> There are apps/services that provide disposable phone-
 AA>> numbers that you can use infrequently and then "burn" it
 AA>> when you are done using it. Once you do, anyone who calls
 AA>> the number will receive an "out of service" message.

 DS> Interesting. I've heard some pretty bizarre ringtones and
 DS> answering machine messages over the years.

Look into

Cell phones and voip are specifically supported.
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