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Subject: Re: Eat Sh*t and Die Date: Mon Oct 05 2020 07:24 am
From: Daryl Stout To: August Abolins


 AA> Sounds like you may best be served with a toaster oven. They are
 AA> great alternative to a full-size oven when you just need to heat or
 AA> bake something for just one meal.

  I used to have one, but it was so old, that I just discarded it
after my Mom died.

 AA> If I do have any bread, it's frozen. I just plop a slice into a
 AA> regular toaster, and it comes out quite nice.

  There used to be grilled chicken patties that were frozen. I could
cook/heat them in the microwave oven, and have a nice sandwich.

 DS> The apples are too hard to eat with dentures, so I have to
 DS> core them.

 AA> Bake them, for a pleasant healthy sweet treat.

  I love apple pie...I remember when Burger King had the fried hot
apple pies, but they took 6 minutes to cook in the deep fryer. These
obviously had the warning "CAUTION!! FILLING IS HOT!!" on there (thanks
to the "groin coffee" incident at McDonald's years ago, which went to
court, and the plaintiff won). It's like all these "warning labels"
that have to be out there.

 AA> I've never heard of a dog liking apples. Too tart, acidic? I did
 AA> have a collie that loved to eat sweet corn off the cob, though.

  I've seen dachshunds also liking watermelon...but I'd think you'd have
to get the seeds removed first.

 AA> Anchovies seem odd for a pizza topping. The idea of little salty
 AA> fishees on a pizza don't appeal to me.  But some people like the
 AA> strong "hit" of salt.

  I'm not one of them. When my health wasn't so bad, and I could stand
to cook at the stove, I'd salt my burgers, fries, and tomatoes. Otherwise,
I rarely season my food. Of course, if you go out, or buy processed foods
(frozen dinners), those things are drowning in sodium.

 AA> I don't mind anchovies on a thin slice of buttered pumpernickel
 AA> bread with sour cream.  And then.. only a few.

  You can have my portion.

 AA> I"ve never heard of spices triggering angina. Salt, sodium, MSG, maybe.

  There's always a first time.

 AA> No point in eating something that your body can't tolerate.

  I might try a limited bit of it, but it reminds me of when I used to 
eat cheesecake, etc. -- I'd say "I'm going to regret it later, but I'm
going to enjoy it now". :P

 AA> Butter is fine for the most part.  I use plenty of it to tame down
 AA> my homemade applesauce. It's quite nice on a heated veggies too.

  I understand having that on broccoli makes it taste better...but I'm
not a fan of such.

 AA>> For the pasta preference, use gluten-free pasta or rice
 AA>> pasta. Then just flavour it up with high grade olive oil
 AA>> and spices + veggies, or eggs or bits of meat.

  I have this "pasta boat" where I add water then the pasta. Then, I
put it in the microwave oven for 24 minutes, and then after carefully
draining the hot water (for the steam), I put the pasta in a bowl,
add butter, then I'm ready to eat.

  I'm out of food this morning, so grocery shopping is on the agenda.
I'm considering getting things like macaroni and cheese, hot dogs,
and frozen English cook up a bit of a casserole conglomeration.

 AA> You are a walking disaster. Should avoid some of those things
 AA> mentioned above.  ;)

  Well, I only eat one meal a day...I'm not a breakfast person, and 
with the big lunch, I can wait until the next day to eat. With the
fasting I've been on lately, I've dropped 15 pounds.

 AA> What's Lite about them? They still have the bad ingredients. Try
 AA> some quality olive oil and white balsamic vinegar. If you want the
 AA> creamyiness, a yogurt or a mustard could work.  I don't drench my
 AA> salads with the stuff. I just drizzle a little bit of the above on
 AA> top and give the whole salad a good mix.

  Well, so far, except for the triglycerides (they have been higher)
everything else has been good on the blood work. The 2 problems with
salads, I have to have iceberg lettuce...I can't chew or digest the
romaine or leaf lettuce. Plus, it's a lot of fiber, so I can't do them
that often.

 AA> I never had avocado in my life up unto 2 years ago. I may as well
 AA> have had pure prune juice too! But, 1/2 of a small avocado every
 AA> other day was ok for a few days, and then 1/2 every day.  After a
 AA> few days, a whole avocado did not have any negative effects anymore.

  I never cared for avocadoes or guacamole.

 AA> Dr Pepper.. never liked the stuff.  Plus, the sugar is the poison.

  I'm back on flavored water, and trying to avoid sodas.


... I've used up all my sick days, so I'm calling in dead.
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