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Subject: Re: virus stuff +masks +rats +fuel Date: Mon Oct 05 2020 08:57 am
From: August Abolins To: Barry Martin

On 8/21/2020 3:34 AM, between "Barry Martin":
& Daryl!

 DS>> I had to get some masks the other day, as all of mine are
 DS>> in the wash.
 BM>> Borrowed one to go shopping as all of yours were being
 BM>> washed?!

I just throw mine in a bowl or sink with a bit of laundry detergent, slosh it
around a bit, and let it sit while I do a few other things. An hour or two
later, I'll slosh it a bit more, and wring it out, rinse it in some clean
water, and hang it up to dry. By morning it is dry and ready to use. No
complicated washing/drying-machine necessary.

 DS>> ...I have to go out
 DS>> today to get some more glue boards to trap more field rats
 DS>> (4 were dead on them yesterday, from a week's time), and

In my area, mice are common nuisance entering a home.  For two or 3 previous
years I had none get it. This year, I trapped 3 in 2 days. The traps this
morning have been untouched. Maybe the invasion is over now.

 DS>> ...With the VIP Fuel Points Plan
 DS>> from Kroger, for every $100 I spend, I get 20 cents a
 DS>> gallon off in fuel, up to $1 off. What I wanted to do was
 DS>> get it up to $1, with the gas for $1.15 a gallon regular
 DS>> wise... then with the discount, get it for 15 cents a
 DS>> gallon, take a photo of it, and watch it go viral <G>.

Read the fine print (*). Similar offers I've seen all have *Minimum XXgal
purchase required."
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