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Subject: I'm being slammed by these robocalls Date: Sun Oct 04 2020 02:39 pm
From: August Abolins To: Daryl Stout

On 01/10/2020 5:30 p.m., Daryl Stout wrote,
 DS> I've got to contact the DO NOT CALL registry to get my
 DS> cellphones on it. I'm being slammed by these robocalls.

There are apps/services that provide disposable phone-numbers that
you can use infrequently and then "burn" it when you are done using
it. Once you do, anyone who calls the number will receive an "out of
service" message.
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In Reply To: piano, LPs, Clive Cussler (Daryl Stout)
Replies: I'm being slammed by thes (Daryl Stout)