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Subject: piano, LPs, Clive Cussler Date: Fri Sep 25 2020 09:16 am
From: Daryl Stout To: Barry Martin


 DS> money, I'd be glad to ship them to you. It'd cost a bunch to
 DS> ship, and I'm not sure which is the best way...especially
 DS> considering there are a large amount of books and LP's, that I

 BM> Obviously check around for best rate.  Remember the Post Office does
 BM> have a Book Rate option.  OTOH UPS might be able to pack for you and
 BM> might have better insurance.

  Well, either way, I don't have funding to do it at the moment, so it
has to wait.

  Plus, I've had bad experiences with both the Postal Service (lost
pieces of mail to/from me), and UPS (when still working, they lost 2
shipments of 10,000 decals from my workplace to a business in state...
then, they said I didn't supply a power cord to an item that I had
shipped. I think they just pocketed it, and lied about it). I've
never had a problem with FedEx. Now, if weather is an issue, I can
understand a delay. But if weather isn't the issue, then the employees
are just being careless and lazy. The things that have killed the Postal Service

1) Huge retirement packages.
2) Loss of mail (many cases where it was trashed).
3) People going to email.
4) People using FedEx, UPS, DHL.


... Pi R Round, and Cornbread R Square.
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In Reply To: piano, LPs, Clive Cussler (Barry Martin)