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Subject: Re: Eat Sh*t and Die Date: Thu Sep 24 2020 10:54 am
From: Daryl Stout To: August Abolins


 AA> Eat Sh*t and Die: How Our Daily Food Choices Are Killing Us

  That doesn't apply if you're a dung beetle. He crawled into a bar,
and asked "Is this stool taken??" <G>.

 AA> I can appreciate the microwaveable requirement. Except for boiling a
 AA> dozen eggs every once in awhile, I *also* primarily mw-cook (mostly
 AA> just heat up) my foods.  But I do it *without* resorting to
 AA> processed frozen meals. ;)

  I've done heating up of stuff, particularly when I had done casseroles
in the past. Or, if I had ordered pizza from a local restaurant, to warm
it up afterwards. It's best to put a few drops of water on it before you
microwave it, though. The same holds true for bread. I would even have
loaves of bread, put butter on them, then heat it for 30 seconds.

 AA> I don't understand the anathema towards mw-cooking. For someone who
 AA> practically lives alone, doesn't like to monitor and fuss with
 AA> stove-top or oven cooking, the mw is great for pork chops, skinless
 AA> chicken, scrambled eggs, yams, to name just the top 4 things I fully
 AA> cook in a mw oven.

  And, there are items to cook things like eggs in the oven...although I
use the Egg Beaters (I think that's the name), and do it that way. 

 AA> And, I eat plenty of fresh stuff, sans cooking.

  The apples are too hard to eat with dentures, so I have to core them.
As a side note, this couple has a "spoiled rotten dachshund" (we joke
that he's my nephew...when he hears my name, he starts barking as if
to say "Why isn't he here??!!" <G>)...who is lately on "an apple kick".
This dachshund eats better than any of us!!

 AA> I have no known ailments, not overweight, am down to post
 AA> high-school weight in the last 2 years, flat stomach, feel great.
 AA> It was *not* the case a few years ago when most of my foods were commercial
 AA> processed, +sugar, +bread.

  The worst thing about the processed foods is they are drowning in
salt/sodium (think anchovies on a pizza). This isn't the best thing if 
you have cardiac issues, as my late wife did. But, when we'd order pizza, 
she would tell them "I want every anchovy you have in the place"...and I
replied "You can have those nasty things!!". 

  Thankfully, my heart is good...the angina attacks I had were due to
either tension and stress, or spices in the Italian sauces (marinara,
etc.). All the cardiac tests and blood work were normal.

 AA> You mention microwave soups.. do you mean the ones that come in a
 AA> microwaveable container?  You don't need that.. just open a regular
 AA> can of soup, use HALF of that in a bowl and mw that!  You are paying
 AA> a premium for the mw-container packaging, plus you are getting
 AA> higher doses of sodium.  Compliment your soup with plenty of
 AA> vegetables or even add your own to the soup.

  The bad thing with most soups and other things is that they have corn,
and I can't eat that anymore. Corn and chewing gum do not
can literally see them in your stool (here come the dung beetles again
<G>). I have IBS and diverticulitis, and the corn irritates the fire out
of my colon. I used to eat practically any type of corn...whether it was
corn on the cob, whole kernel corn, creamed corn, fried corn, etc. Just
give me a slab of butter, and I'd be as happy as a pig in slop. <G>

 AA> For the pasta preference, use gluten-free pasta or rice pasta. Then
 AA> just flavour it up with high grade olive oil and spices + veggies,
 AA> or eggs or bits of meat.

  I've got one of those "pasta boats", where you put water into it, up
to a certain level, then put the pasta into the water. Then, you put it
in the microwave oven, and heat for 24 minutes. Drain the water out when
it's done (use caution due to the steam), then pour the pasta into your
container, then add butter, vegetables, etc., and graze away. :) However,
a faster way is to get the microwaveable macaroni and cheese deals. Then,
I get the microwaveable frozen English peas. Next, I cook up some hot
dogs for the meat, then combine all that into a mini-casserole.

 AA> Commercial salad dressings are loaded with emulsifiers, sodium,
 AA> canola/veg/palm oil, sugar.  Crap.  I used to mix my own dressings
 AA> in a container. But now I find that just pouring the olive oil over
 AA> the food, sprinkle a favorite spice combo, a bit of sea salt, or a
 AA> mustard or drizzle some balsamic vinegar works great - and there is
 AA> no extra container to wash.

  I go for the Lite dressings when I have them. The problem with salads
is that I have to get iceberg lettuce. I can not eat romaine or leaf
lettuce, as it's too hard to chew and swallow. But, lettuce is also fiber,
and if I eat too much of that, I might as well be drinking prune juice.
I've heard some refer to Dr. Pepper as carbonated prune juice, and root
beer as carbonated sassafras (sp?). I've gone to just flavored water now, trying
to avoid sodas as much as possible.


... Who needs veggies and nutrition? Give me the luscious fat!!
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