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Subject: Re: Eat Sh*t and Die Date: Wed Sep 23 2020 05:57 pm
From: Ky Moffet To: August Abolins


> I don't understand the anathema towards mw-cooking. For someone who
> practically lives alone, doesn't like to monitor and fuss with
> stove-top or oven cooking, the mw is great for pork chops, skinless
> chicken, scrambled eggs, yams, to name just the top 4 things I fully
> cook in a mw oven.

Remember that Betty Crocker loose-leaf cookbook? ALL the recipes, except 
for yeast bread, cookies, and pie crust, can be cooked in the microwave 
with NO changes to ingredients, and only the usual time adjustments one 
makes for microwave cooking.

I cook most stuff in the microwave, because I hate cooking and want food 
to instantly appear. But I hate most prefab freezer food more, so ... I 

I've even made souffles in the microwave. (Use a ring mold if you have 
one.) They come out HUGE, and when cold shrink down to ... well, it's 
sort of cheese-custard ice cream, and sooooo yummy.... Trick to any sort 
of egg dish is adding cream or half-and-half (milk doesn't have enough 
fat) and cooking it lightly... can make melt-in-your-mouth tender eggs.

BTW you can brown a pork chop very nicely between two LeMenu plates, in 
about 3 minutes.
 ■ RNET 2.10U: ILink: Techware BBS ■ Hollywood, Ca ■

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