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Subject: Eat Sh*t and Die Date: Wed Sep 23 2020 01:13 pm
From: August Abolins To: Daryl Stout

On 31/08/2020 2:45 p.m., Daryl Stout wrote:

 BM>> Cue Alka Selzer's "that's a spicy meat-aball"!

 DS> It depends on the spices with the sauces. When I go
 DS> shopping later this week, I'm thinking of getting
 DS> microwave soups or pasta related items. I'm also
 DS> considering items for salads, or casseroles... but all of
 DS> it has to be microwaveable. For dressings, I prefer either
 DS> French, or Thousand Island.

Hi Daryl!

Whatever you choose, it pays to be informed:

Eat Sh*t and Die: How Our Daily Food Choices Are Killing Us
Mark Linder
Firefly Books
Health & Fitness / Diet & Nutrition
Release date Dec 10, 2020 | Demand (#2211)
$19.95 US / $19.95 CA list price

Both links provide a "Look inside.."

I can appreciate the microwaveable requirement. Except for boiling a
dozen eggs every once in awhile, I *also* primarily mw-cook (mostly
just heat up) my foods.  But I do it *without* resorting to
processed frozen meals. ;)

I can provide more details for anyone interested.

I don't understand the anathema towards mw-cooking. For someone who
practically lives alone, doesn't like to monitor and fuss with
stove-top or oven cooking, the mw is great for pork chops, skinless
chicken, scrambled eggs, yams, to name just the top 4 things I fully
cook in a mw oven.

And, I eat plenty of fresh stuff, sans cooking.

I have no known ailments, not overweight, am down to post
high-school weight in the last 2 years, flat stomach, feel great.
It was *not* the case a few years ago when most of my foods were
commercial processed, +sugar, +bread.

You mention microwave soups.. do you mean the ones that come in a
microwaveable container?  You don't need that.. just open a regular
can of soup, use HALF of that in a bowl and mw that!  You are paying
a premium for the mw-container packaging, plus you are getting
higher doses of sodium.  Compliment your soup with plenty of
vegetables or even add your own to the soup.

For the pasta preference, use gluten-free pasta or rice pasta. Then
just flavour it up with high grade olive oil and spices + veggies,
or eggs or bits of meat.

Commercial salad dressings are loaded with emulsifiers, sodium,
canola/veg/palm oil, sugar.  Crap.  I used to mix my own dressings
in a container. But now I find that just pouring the olive oil over
the food, sprinkle a favorite spice combo, a bit of sea salt, or a
mustard or drizzle some balsamic vinegar works great - and there is
no extra container to wash.
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