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Subject: Re: Various Things Date: Mon Aug 31 2020 01:45 pm
From: Daryl Stout To: Barry Martin


 BM> Got messages! You're online!  Hurricane Laura must not have been too
 BM> nasty to you!

  Not to me, but she was one angry [female dog] to areas further south.
I understand at least 47,000 Arkansans lost power, and in portions of
southwest Louisiana (Lake Charles) and southeast Texas..."they aren't
there anymore". The radar at the National Weather Service in Lake
Charles was obliterated.

 BM> When he got his agent he had to get a cheap one and so the negotiations
 BM> weren't as good as they could have been.  Sadly, our little gecko
 BM> friend didn't make out as well as he could have.

<Paul Harvey Voice> "And, now you know...the rest of the story". <G>

 DS> 1) Allstate -- Mayhem (my favorite). You can find several of them
 DS> on YouTube. I especially like the one as "the mean little kid",
 DS> throwing a temper tantrum in the back of the car, and throwing
 DS> stuff everywhere, screaming "MOMMY!! MOMMY!! MOMMY!! MOMMY!!".

 BM> Generally a pretty good package.  I'll admit to not quite understanding
 BM> some initially.

  Yeah, when I watch some, it's like "all righty, then"...then, I scratch
my head. :P

 BM> This just popped in to my mind: during the late 60's, maybe early 70's
 BM> in the Boston area and I guess it went nationally was a commerical for
 BM> Prince (brand) spaghetti. 'Typical Italian mother' yells from a third-
 BM> fourth story window of a tenament building for her kid dinner is ready.

  That commercial doesn't ring a bell.

 DS> 2) Progressive -- One they have now where "things aren't normal",
 DS> as these females are ending their conversation thread with "da",
 DS> as if they were Swedish. Now, I've got a craving for those
 DS> meatballs. :P

 BM> Cue Alka Selzer's "that's a spicy meat-aball"!

  It depends on the spices with the sauces. When I go shopping later
this week, I'm thinking of getting microwave soups or pasta related
items. I'm also considering items for salads, or casseroles...but all
of it has to be microwaveable. For dressings, I prefer either French,
or Thousand Island.

 DS> 3) Liberty Mutual -- These are now dealing with Doug and his emu.
 DS> The 2 that come to mind are:

 BM> That combination I haven't quite figured out.

  They've had several "themes"...I guess they're still trying to figure
out an emphasis...but the overall theme is "pay only for what you need".

 DS> A) On the plane, he is asked if he has a special permit for his
 DS> "assistive bird".

 BM> So is the bird medical or just a business partner?

  Maybe his stash is in the Canary Islands. <G>

 DS> B) On a workout, the exercise instructor says "Pick up the pace,
 DS> bird legs!!". Doug says "Don't talk to Lema like that!!"
 DS> which, she replies "I'm talking to you!!" <G>

 BM> OK, so that one is clever!

  I had to chuckle on that one. 

 BM> There was another old commercial, probably for a dish soap, with the
 BM> tagline "gets you out of the kitchen _fast_!"  Dad used to compare it
 BM> to prune juice and other laxatives.

  That's about the size of it. Or like the joke about the person who is 
having a terrible coughing fit, to give them a laxative instead of cough
medicine. The reason is that "they'll be too scared to cough". :P

 DS>   Tell them it's "daytime" or "nighttime", and be done with
 DS> it...but, they might say "No [kidding], Sherlock!!" :P

 BM> Being that vague would have made things worse.

  I feel naked without a timepiece. I did note that when you are doing something
you enjoy, time zooms by. But, when it's something you hate,
it's as if the clock is running in low gear.

 BM> ... Q: How long does take to put on a pair of underwear?
 BM> A: A brief second.
 DS>   That Depends if you try to do it with your shoes on. (Yeah,
 DS> TMI). <G>

 BM> Your spike heels keep getting caught?!

  LOL!! Actually, I wear the Brahma Work Boots, size 13, as they
give me good support. I was originally born with no arches in my
feet, and they had to build them in when I had surgery at 11. That
entire summer was a waste...and I heard to learn to walk, ride a
bike, etc. all over again. I also wear the "Happy Feet" cushion
insoles. But, it's hard to slip clothes on and off with the bulky
shoes. However, in walking around the house...even if just a potty
run in the middle of the night, I put the shoes on, as it gives me
more support, and less likely to fall.

  As for the Happy Feet, I first encountered them at the National
Square Dance Convention (NSDC) in Anaheim, California, in 1988. I 
had taken Amtrak there from Little Rock, and my feet swelled up on
the train. Besides the square dance attire and other personal
clothing acoutrements (sp?), I had my western boots and tennis

  Well, there were nearly 4 times as many females as males, 
especially in the singles hall, so being single, I had no problem
finding a partner. But, unlike at local dances, where there is a
bit of a break between "tips", at the NSDC's, it's practically
nonstop dancing, except to switch callers between "tips", which
is "a patter call" (square dance calls to music), and "a singing
call" (a song interspersed with square dance calls)...or the hall
closes for lunch and dinner breaks. 

  I danced for 4 hours without a break (amazingly, nature didn't
call during that time), but when the dancing stopped, my feet
exploded on the pain level. I literally limped back to the hotel
in tears, as I was in so much pain.

  The next morning, I went into the vendors area, where you can
buy square dance attire, badges, and a bunch of other goodies.
I came upon this display with "Happy Feet", and put them in my
shoes, and THE PAIN WAS GONE!! They were water filled insoles,
and it was like getting a constant foot massage. These lasted
a few years, then I didn't see them again until several years
ago, when a fellow ham radio operator and his wife, and I, went
up to Branson, Missouri for a ham radio event. 

  We also took in some of the shows while there, including 
"Tom Mullica - A Tribute To Red Skelton", and "Todd Oliver And 
His Talking Dog". You thought Red had come back from the dead, 
and Todd is a ventriloquist. His Boston Terrier, Irving, has a 
device on him, approved by the SPCA, that Todd controls, and
you think Irving is talking!! Both were G-Rated, and a treat
to see. I don't think Tom Mullica is doing his shows anymore,
but I highly recommend seeing Todd Oliver.

  Anyway, we went into one of the malls there, and I came
upon this product, and when the guy said "Happy Feet", I
replied "Say no more!! I've been looking for these for the
last several years!!", and promptly bought several pair. I
even got my friend and his wife to buy several...and they
liked them as well. Sadly, she passed away on Christmas
night a few years ago, as she misread her diabetic pump,
and gave herself too much insulin, which resulted in a
fatal heart attack. Her widower is still having a hard
time with it.

 BM> ... Southern: "Well, butter my butt and call me a biscuit."

  BBQ restaurant sign: "I like my butt rubbed, and my pork pulled".


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In Reply To: Various Things (Barry Martin)
Replies: Eat Sh*t and Die (August Abolins)