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Subject: Re: rats Date: Fri Aug 28 2020 10:51 pm
From: Daryl Stout To: Barry Martin


 DS> was looking for a dance partner, and I walked up to her, and
 DS> asked "Are you looking for a man??". I should have added the
 DS> words "to dance with". She grinned wryly, looked at me, winked,
 DS> and said "Always!!". I blushed big time!! :P

 BM> Details, details!!

  Isn't it the truth??!! :P

 DS> Talk about a punch to the gut...but I said "I have to have a shed
 DS> for my tool!!" :P

 BM> All sounds perfectly logical!

  I thought so.

 DS>   I'm also reminded of the joke where Momma is potty training her
 DS> young daughter, and telling her "always look for the longer
 DS> name...WOMEN versus MEN...on the restroom door".

 BM> Darn exceptions to the rule!

  There always are!!

 BM> I don't know about "didn't have to worry about" but certainly seemed
 BM> not to be as great a concern then as now.  Seemed to be more 'stranger
 BM> danger': be wary of people you don't know.

   Strangers were one thing...but it seems "the perverts are everywhere".

 DS>   As an aside, when you don't have to go potty, there are toilets
 DS> and restrooms everywhere. But, when you're in the middle of
 DS> nowhere, with not a toilet or tree to be had, nature calls (it
 DS> never fails!!).

 BM> Seems toilet facilities like to play hide and go seek.

  Do you send out a potty posse party to find it?? :P


... Why do nurses leave the room when you get undressed??
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In Reply To: rats (Barry Martin)