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Subject: Re: Fiber Optic Update Date: Fri Aug 28 2020 10:49 pm
From: Daryl Stout To: Barry Martin


 DS>   We did go in for a pregancy check on her...and the physician, a
 DS> black female (sweet lady, but a nut <G>), asked her "Did you
 DS> whizz??". I about fell out of the chair laughing.

 BM> Sounds like she had learned not to use the scientific language on patients:
 BM> "urinate" "I thought I was in Exam Room 7!".

  It took me a minute to get that pun. <blush!> :P

 DS>   When she was doing a pelvic exam on my wife, my wife was
 DS> complaining that "my butt is about to fall off the table", and
 DS> was reassured that she wasn't going to fall off, even though it
 DS> felt like it.

 BM> I remember when being strapped to the strecher being carried to the
 BM> ambulance it felt like I was going to fall off.

  When they set me up for the bladder stone removal surgery, they put
me in the stirrups, and lubricated the groin area with a VERY COLD
anti-bacterial solution!! I don't know which one would make me want
to pee more. :P

 DS>   I made a smart-@$$ remark, and my wife looked at me, and
 DS> growled "Keep that up, and you're next!!". The doctor looked at
 DS> me, and she said "She's right, you know!!". My head went back
 DS> into the magazine I was reading. <BG>

 BM> Smart man!

  I had a brother...I didn't know it took "forever" for women to get
ready, etc.  

 BM> Paying attention while driving is a good idea!  And greasy fingers plus
 BM> steering wheel aren't a good combination.

  Did you see the story where the guy was driving his Tesla, and was
watching a movie on his smartphone?? He ended up rear ending a parked
police car!! :P

 BM> Hmm: I don't recall Taco Bell food being all that hot/spicy.  OTOH
 BM> don't order anything super-spicy as IMO spicyness/hotness should be a
 BM> flavour enhancement, not a competition.

  My taste buds must be overly sensitive. 

 DS>   Years ago, there was a mixup at a chemical plant in Fordyce, a
 DS> community in southern Arkansas. An employee accidentally switched
 DS> the chemical line to the water line, and toilets were literally
 DS> exploding and catching fire, when flushed. To which, a female
 DS> employee at my workplace remarked "I guess they got tired of
 DS> being [peed] and [pooped] in!!".

 BM> Paybacks are hell!

  I would say so. I can just see the people believing one can be
reincarnated as a toilet. :P

 BM> ... The lioness ate the Hungarian.  The Czech is in the male.

  Break out the beano.


... Veni, Veci, Wee Wee - I came, I saw, I have to go potty.
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