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Subject: Re: Various Things Date: Fri Aug 28 2020 10:37 pm
From: Daryl Stout To: Barry Martin


 DS>   I wonder where the little booger got gas for his car...since he
 DS> did save a bunch of money on his car insurance. <G>

 BM> If he's smart he would have gotten his gas at a low price with other
 BM> savings like those with grocery store ponts!

  For what they charge with the premiums, he should've had the money!!

  The insurance company commercials are getting really bizarre...

1) Allstate -- Mayhem (my favorite). You can find several of them on
YouTube. I especially like the one as "the mean little kid", throwing
a temper tantrum in the back of the car, and throwing stuff everywhere,
screaming "MOMMY!! MOMMY!! MOMMY!! MOMMY!!". <G>

2) Progressive -- One they have now where "things aren't normal", as
these females are ending their conversation thread with "da", as if
they were Swedish. Now, I've got a craving for those meatballs. :P

3) Liberty Mutual -- These are now dealing with Doug and his emu.
The 2 that come to mind are:

A) On the plane, he is asked if he has a special permit for his
"assistive bird".

B) On a workout, the exercise instructor says "Pick up the pace,
bird legs!!". Doug says "Don't talk to Lema like that!!" which,
she replies "I'm talking to you!!" <G>

 BM> Must have been an undesireable human if both are trying to keep on
 BM> Earth!

  It makes you wonder. 

  I love garden salads, but they have to be made with iceberg lettuce.
I can't eat romaine or leaf lettuce. But, the iceberg lettuce has a
large amount of fiber, as if I was drinking prune juice.

 DS> ... Digital watch owners, your days are numbered!

 BM> That reminded me: at the store I wore an analog watch -- bring up the
 BM> arm, glance at the time, done.  No buttons to push.  Would get asked
 BM> what time it was and I soon learned most had no concept of 'quarter of' and
 BM> the like, so had to say "8:45".  Then for some reason that also created a
 BM> problem, as did "8:10" and even "8:05"; the 'marker' times (where the clock
 BM> digits are or would be) seemed not be be giving a
 BM> sense of accuracy like a digital display would, even though both analog and
 BM> digital times have "8:15".  Ended up learning to lie a bit: if
 BM> really-truely 8:15 would say '8:16' and never be questioned like I had been
 BM> with '8:15'.

  Tell them it's "daytime" or "nighttime", and be done with it...but,
they might say "No [kidding], Sherlock!!" :P


 BM> ... Q: How long does take to put on a pair of underwear?
 BM> A: A brief second.

  That Depends if you try to do it with your shoes on. (Yeah, TMI). <G>


... How do you tell when you're out of invisible ink?
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In Reply To: Various Things (Barry Martin)