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Subject: I'm back! Date: Wed Aug 19 2020 07:51 am
From: Barry Martin To: Nancy Backus

Hi Nancy!

 BM> Had a bit of 'fun' here: derecho storm through the entire state of
 BM> Iowa Monday ==> winds locally 96 MPH and IIRC Cedar Rapids 107 MPH.
 BM> Did good until the neighbour's pine tree (about 45' tall) snapped about 12'
 BM> from the base: snagged a power line and broke it.  There goes the power!
 NB> Glad you are back.... I wondered if the derecho had made you lose
 NB> power when you didn't answer when I expected...
Yup: lost power around 2 p.m. Monday afternoon and got it restored about
5:30 Friday afternoon.  Did a bit of grocery shopping Monday morning --  chatted
with a few people who didn't have their power restored until 
into the weekend.  Autumn's home lost their power the night their power 
was restored but wasn't sure to the storm: some idiots racing a vehicle 
up the street snagged a pole.  Police followed the trail of broken car 
parts falling off and liquids and arrested the driver, maybe the 
passenger too.

 NB> Meanwhile I'm
 NB> just slogging along, as far behind as ever if not more so.... But
 NB> I figured I'd at least answer this one out of sequence but more
 NB> timely... ;)  I'd heard on the radio about Cedar Rapids....

Cedar Rapids really got hit.  We didn't know how bad until after the 
power was restored mainly because only watched the beginning of the news
with the local storm information on the battery powered TV.

 BM> Oddly even though 100 MPH winds no damage to the house: did blow off a
 BM> couple of strips of vinyl siding which landed intact on the lawn and
 BM> so just need to be re-hung.  Surprisingly the flowers are pretty much
 BM> undamaged: would think if a tree snapped they would have been
 BM> flattened: nope -- look almost as if nothing happened; a couple of
 BM> minor casualties like broken stems.  Have a couple of plants which are
 BM> relatively delicate -- have broken leaves off when watering and they
 BM> are unscathed.
 NB> A lot of plants are designed to be resilient... the wind might
 NB> blow them flat, but when it stops they can bounce back just
 NB> fine.... :)

They are amazing!  There's a large pot of marigolds with the center 
hollowed out: almost seems like someone took an air blower and blasted 
the center.  Plants are pretty much unscathed, just pushed to the 

                         »    BarryMartin3@    «
                         »   @MyMetronet.NET   «

... I've heard of liberal arts majors. Are there conservative arts majors? 
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