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Subject: FWIW - Shingrix Date: Tue Aug 25 2020 08:49 am
From: Barry Martin To: Nancy Backus

Hi Nancy!

 NB>>> So you did end up with something other than the Snickerdoodle you
 NB>>> thought you were reaching for... :)   And good that you enjoyed
 NB>>> them anyway...  ;)
 BM>> Apparently I either mis-grabbed a different muffin box or decided to
 BM>> have a down-to-Earth blueberry to counteract the slightly decadent
 BM>> chocolate ones.  ...Anyone thinking next time they're on sale I'll be
 BM>> getting a Snickerdoodle?!
 NB>> I'd say it could be a distinct possibility... but not a done deal... ;)
 NB>> Depending, of course, on how much you obsess on the lost
 NB>> Snickerdoodle muffins in the meantime... and on whether or not they
 NB>> are available... ;)
 BM> Generally don't get too obsessive about food.  Right now thinking I'll
 BM> probably get a pack of the Snickerdoodle jumbo muffins just because they've
 BM> been talked about so much: we've sort of been doing our own advertising of
 BM> them!
 NB> And have you gotten them yet....?   ;)
I think so (!).  Hy-Vee had a BOGO on jumbo muffins last week so did a
mini-splurge.  One package to the refrigerator and the other to the 
freezer.  Current package is rum something; I think the other package 
(in the freezer) is Snickerdoodle -- remember when buying Autumn would  probably
like it.  The muffins are large enough we're splitting in half. Haven't had any
of the rum one with Autumn (any rum would have been 
baked out).

                         »    BarryMartin3@    «
                         »   @MyMetronet.NET   «

... Wanted: Tester at playground equipment factory - must work swing shift!
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