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Subject: Isolation Diary Date: Tue Aug 25 2020 08:49 am
From: Barry Martin To: Nancy Backus

Hi Nancy!

Good to see you back!

 BM> OK - was wondering what happened.  Was rather hot and humid here too;
 BM> a lot of nothing got done. <g>
 NB> It keeps being too hot and humid here.... plus now I have
 NB> something medical going on which is also being rather
 NB> draining.... no, not Covid, I tested negative for that a week
 NB> ago, in preparation for a gastroscopy.... hopefully this will be
 NB> resolved sooner than later... :)
 NB> In the meantime, expect my appearances here to be spottier than
 NB> usual for a while.....
OK... #1 thing is to take care of yourself.  The heat and humidity is 
back to its 'normal tricks' here: in the 90's and feels like low 100's.
Supposed to be that way the rest of the week, stormy over the weekend,
and then cooler than normal next week.

As for you, good not due to COVID-19.  LIS, take care of yourself, we'll
be here cheering you back to health!

 BM>> Oh, we figured out why Autumn was having a little bit of problem doing
 BM>> arithmetic.  Sometimes counting on her fingers, which is fine. but
 BM>> seemed anything with adding five or more she'd give an answer one
 BM>> short (so if the answer was supposed to be 9 she'd answer 8).  The
 BM>> problem was the thumb: "count on your fingers": she wasn't counting the
 BM>> thumb as a finger!  She hadn't realized 'thumb' is the name of that
 BM>> finger! Discovered that shortly before she went home Wednesday.
 NB>> The strangest things can trip one up... ;)
 BM> Though once figured out usually makes sense.  In this case the thumb
 BM> has two names, really three: thumb, finger, and digit (the latter
 BM> wasn't brought up!).  I did do a quick test last week -- wasn't so much
 BM> to test the thumb-counting but I sort of felt like a little math fun
 BM> and she did get the answers right.
 NB> Good... she learned the concept.... ;)
Yup!  She is and isn't in school: locally schools started yesterday but 
she will be doing the remote learning option until October.  Still not 
sure if we're supposed to be doing any schooling here -- she has 
whatever notebook device necessary for that aspect, easy enough to add 
to the WiFi network here.  I'd like to set up a back-up device: you know there's
going to be a running late day and their notebook will be 

 BM>> Right: one of the 'detail things' that may occur from the pandemic
 BM>> lessons is 'plan ahead'.  We're (generic) used to going to the store
 BM>> and buying what we just ran out of now.  Great for convenience,
 BM>> not-so-great on cost savings.  Then there's the subset we (you and I
 BM>> tend to fall into this group) where we try to plan ahead: I don't need
 BM>> toothpaste now but my brand is on sale/has a coupon so if I buy it now
 BM>> I'll have it when I need it later, plus I saved some money.
 NB>> Yup, the subset has already learned the lesson... ;)
 BM> Hopefully!  Can still see situations where there just isn't spare
 BM> money to take advantage of sales, or to take advantage of the sale one
 BM> needs to not purchase some other item.
 NB> It partly is more of a lifestyle than anything else.... ;)

Yes.  Theory works one way, reality another.

 BM>> OK. I noticed last Thursday the canned soups at Hy-Vee as almost full.
 BM>> Up until last week was definitely on the empty side with lots of
 BM>> holes, this week on the fuller side with only a few holes.  ...Didn't
 BM>> create any: not really a hot soup eater in Summer except for the
 BM>> occasional tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwich for dinner.
 NB>> But at least they are available should you want them... :)
 BM> Yes: have a few in the cabinet (took advantage of sales!) so should
 BM> get in the mood for a hot soup meal in the middle of the hot and humid
 BM> summer it is there, and make a note to replace when on sale again.
 NB> That works... :)
Now I will be looking for meat sales to replace what had to be tossed 
due to the power outage.  Refroze the damaged stuff -- that way didn't 
stink while waiting outside for trash day.  Slowly but surely cleaning 
the refrigerator and freezer compartments before refilling.

 BM>> True.  I'd guess a combination: numerous customers rushing out to get
 BM>> 'sheared': "I can't wait any longer!", so hopefully extra stylists
 BM>> available.  LIS (I think) the first couple/several days there was a
 BM>> wait of up to an hour.  Actually not bad considering each appointment
 BM>> is around 20 minutes, and now add time for the COVID-19 sanitizing.
 NB>> No that wasn't bad at all, really... :)
 BM> Right.  Haven't needed to go back for another haircut yet.  <checking> Hmm!
 BM> It's been about a month and a half; probably another two or three weeks.
 BM> Not growing too fast.

 NB> Been back yet...?  <G>   (Seeing as it's been more than a
 NB> month.....)

 NB> ttyl        neb

 NB> ... Old bakers never die, you just can't get a rise out of them!

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