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Subject: Re: Isolation Diary Date: Tue Aug 25 2020 09:46 am
From: Daryl Stout To: Nancy Backus


 NB> It keeps being too hot and humid here.... plus now I have something medical
 NB> going on which is also being rather draining.... no, not Covid,
 NB> I tested negative for that a week ago, in preparation for a gastroscopy....
 NB> hopefully this will be resolved sooner than later... :)

  Hope everything goes OK with that.

 NB> In the meantime, expect my appearances here to be spottier than usual
 NB> for a while.....

  I'm going to be offline for a bit, due to the effects from the remnants
of Hurricane Laura.

 NB> ... Old bakers never die, you just can't get a rise out of them!

  That's the yeast of their worries. <G>


... Cholesterol: The stuff in food that makes it taste good. See also "fat". ===
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