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Subject: virus stuff Date: Tue Aug 18 2020 07:59 am
From: Barry Martin To: Daryl Stout

Hi Daryl!

 BM> Yes - some systems allow spaces and some don't.  And though can be
 BM> tiring and boring sometimes better to do one process all at once so is
 BM> consistent.
 DS>   The underscores are better for the trying to
 DS> sort through all the %20 deals.

That's true!  Hmm: think of what happens with a file called "20 20"!!

 BM> "Here comes Daryl!"  <orders, served>  'snarf-gulp-swallow'  "There
 BM> goes Daryl! 4.3 minutes! New record!!"
 DS>   Now, we'll see how fast it goes through me. <G>

Hopefully more than 4.3 minutes to give you time to get there and get

 BM> Something!  Hmmm: wonder if the "technology fee" Metronet (my fiber
 BM> optic provider) is just a flat fee encompassing all those line-by-line
 BM> fees?  Still is cheaper (and better).
 DS>   Don't know...I have no desire to get with AT&T ever again. I
 DS> did figure out that I could put TeamViewer on the BBS computer
 DS> and the laptop, then I could update everything from the laptop,
 DS> without going into the back bedroom, unless it was to power down
 DS> for thunderstorms, or to bring things back up afterwards.

That's easier then SneakerNet!  I installed VNC here for remote access to 
a couple of computers. if interested; I use the Linux and
Raspberry Pi platforms; Windows, Android, others available.

 BM> This last time mine got a little confused.  The site said I had three
 BM> prescriptions in progress, two of which were the same except for the
 BM> identification number.  Picked up the two (said 'ready', third [semi-
 BM> duplicate] still on it's way to the store); commented to the Pharmacy Tech,
 BM> who checked: nothing odd on her computer; updated and showed her what I was
 BM> seeing -- <shrug> and would take care of any issues if it
 BM> did come in.
 DS>   I had to get some masks the other day, as all of mine are in
 DS> the wash.

Borrowed one to go shopping as all of yours were being washed?!

 DS> see the surgeon next, I might need more surgery. :(
 DS> Yet, I thought 2 months afterwards, all would be OK.
 BM> You're such a delicate puppy! <g>  Hopefully nothing more than just a
 BM> sore muscle but good to have it checked.  Also would be checking out
 BM> the sneezing/coughing episode: is something else going on?
 DS>   Not sure. The coughing really flares after I eat, and right at
 DS> bedtime. Strangely though, it doesn't flare when I lie down for
 DS> an afternoon nap.

That's odd!  Would sort of make sense to have a coughing reaction from  pressure
on the diaphragm after eating or change of positioning, but I'm assuming nap and
sleep are on a bed, unless you do something like I do 
where nap is 100% on my back and sleep starts on my back and then roll 
to my side.

                         »    BarryMartin3@    «
                         »   @MyMetronet.NET   «

... Stupid; politically correct:  A few clowns short of a circus
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