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Subject: Re: rats Date: Mon Aug 17 2020 01:01 am
From: Daryl Stout To: Barry Martin


 BM> We saw two very large flocks of some sort of goose last Wednesday (two days
 BM> after the storm)!  Autumn noticed them -- just happened to look up
 BM> as no honking.  First flock probably had 30-35 geese -- not in a proper
 BM> V-formation as they were changing positions.  Second one a couple
 BM> minutes later of maybe 15 or 20 geese -- not the same one as the first
 BM> flock was seen going off to the East.  They too were silent.

  I'm already wondering what the wooly worms are forecasting this winter??


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In Reply To: rats (Barry Martin)