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Subject: Re: I'm back! Date: Mon Aug 17 2020 12:59 am
From: Daryl Stout To: Barry Martin


 BM> Had a bit of 'fun' here: derecho storm through the entire state of Iowa
 BM> Monday ==> winds locally 96 MPH and IIRC Cedar Rapids 107 MPH.  Did
 BM> good until the neighbour's pine tree (about 45' tall) snapped about 12'
 BM> from the base: snagged a power line and broke it.  There goes the
 BM> power!

  Glad you're OK...I saw where it flattened a bunch of grain elevators,
flipped a bunch of 18 wheeler tractor trailers, and put nearly 2 million
people without power.


... When I erase a word with a pencil, where does it go??
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